Yogi Flight School – Learn Yoga Arm Balance & Inversions (Self Study)




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Yogi Flight School – Learn Yoga Arm Balance & Inversions (Self Study)

Ready to finally fly your arm balances & inversions with ease?


Learn the unique methodology that has helped over 6,000 yogis flip their practice upside down in record time!

  • Feel capable in your practice
  • Strengthen your body and mind
  • Increase your confidence and feel like a yoga ninja!

Here’s the real reason you haven’t made the progress you want
Up Until Now

You’ve seen some arm balances and inversions in yoga class and thought to yourself, “I can’t do that.” 😱😱😱

Or you’ve been given a few cues that don’t quite click so you start to believe that it’s going to take you forever to learn or that your body just doesn’t work that way. 😩
People make it look so easy, but no one really explains HOW⁉️ to get your body into these shapes!!
So you try, and the fear of hurting yourself or the idea of failing over and over again keeps you from practicing consistently.
And yet…there’s something about the freedom, the power and the beauty of these poses that keeps pulling you back. You want to do them!

Up until now, your attempts have left you feeling that:

  • You’re too old or unfit
  • Your wrists and core are too weak
  • You’re not strong or flexible enough
  • You’re going to hurt yourself
  • It takes forever to make meaningful progress

But none of this is actually true.

Yoga classes give you less than 3 minutes to work on these complex poses and they usually just call out a weird pose name and you’re left looking around the room trying to figure out WTF is going on. 😳😳

Maybe you’re learning from YouTube or Instagram where it’s like they expect you to be super flexible before you can even try “Step 1” of their tutorial.

So NATURALLY you start thinking that you’re just not strong or flexible enough or that your arms are too short, you’re just not advanced enough or your hips are too heavy and it’s going to take forever to make any progress.
I get why you would think that way… but is that really the problem?

Most people think that arm balancing and inverting requires you to be super strong, young, fit and flexible but the truth is:
Balancing on your hands is not about strength, flexibility, fitness or age.

Strength is secondary

You don’t even need to be able to do a full push-up to arm balance.
If strength were the factor, how come yogis who have been practicing for years still can’t arm balance?
They obviously have the strength, so what gives?

People worry their wrists aren’t strong enough; but your wrists aren’t holding you up. The strength comes from your hands and forearms.

Practicing hand activation techniques for arm balances builds all the strength you need and prevents wrist pain.

Flexibility is helpful, but doesn’t limit you as much as you think.

With strategic warmups, modifications and practice, most people gain enough flexibility quickly.

Check out our ninja below modifying a pose to fit his tight hamstrings, and flying his butt off!

If we could really be “too old” or unfit to learn this stuff, then hundreds of our students in their 50s and 60s would be wasting their time. Instead – they’re flying, like Diane here at 62.

You don’t need to build more strength and flexibility before you start learning to fly.

The process of preparing for arm balances with proper strategic warmup targets the exact muscles you need to fly WHILE making you stronger and more flexible.

Doing more push-ups will make you better at push-ups, not arm balances.

Check out our lovely student Ai-Lean below who learned Koundinyasana B (Hurdler’s Pose) last year, when she thought she didn’t have the strength for it.
A few months later her pose was flying higher for sure, but she was flying back then too!!!

Our limitations are in our heads – they are not fact.

We make up stories about not being “x” enough to do something, and the stories we tell become true.

But let me ask – would you rather argue for your limitations or for your possibilities??

Saying you’re too unfit, too old, too weak or too stiff to do something that helps with strength, mobility, flexibility and fitness…is like saying you’re too dirty to take a shower!

It’s not a matter of not being ready or being good enough; it’s a matter of how committed you are willing to be. 

The only thing you haven’t had up until now, is clear instruction that makes sense.

Everything else comes from practice.

The first thing that gets to change is the story in your mind about what you can and cannot do.

That’s our jam around here. Are you ready?

Balancing on your hands is about structure and physics.

Your age, fitness level, weight or strength will matter very little

When you learn how to:

  • Stack your bones to defy gravity
  • Activate your palm lock to stabilize your wrists
  • Engage your built-in braking system to prevent falling
  • Ignite your bandhas (energy locks) to feel LIGHT
  • Control your center of gravity and tipping point in each arm balance
  • Prepare your body to activate the specific muscles for each posture

No matter your size or shape, you have your own balance tipping point.

When you find that tipping point, strength is almost irrelevant.

What matters is knowing the details of what to do and how, and being willing to stand in the fire and turn fear into excitement!

The process of learning to stand upside down teaches you how to stand upside down.

There is no pre-requisite other than choosing to begin!

At Yogi Flight School, we teach regular people how to do seemingly impossible things, and expand what you are capable of forever.

If you’re waiting until you:

get stronger  |  lose some weight  |  magically get younger

so that you can learn how to make all these cool shapes one day,

where else are you holding back in your life?

Have you ever heard the saying how you do one thing is how you do everything?

What happens on your mat also happens everywhere else in your life.

Where else are you waiting to be better/stronger/richer before you go for what you want?

If you’re afraid to fall, what risks are are you not taking in your life and what are you missing out on?

What’s possible for you when you choose to face your fear and prove to yourself that you’re worthy and capable is life changing!!

The only difference between you and the people you see flying on this page is that they decided to give it their all.

With the fail-proof method we teach, drills, warmups and step-by-step instructions to learn to fly in a logical and safe way, your success is inevitable!

“I was new-ish to yoga and a complete beginner at inversions and arm balances. I was balancing on my hands within a week, doing headstands away from the wall within 2 weeks, now working on poses I *never* thought I would be able to do. It is a falsehood that you need to be super strong, super flexible or super slim to do these amazing poses. Good coaching, the right technique and the right instruction is what’s needed. I have seen videos and photos of ALL kinds of people (different shapes, sizes, ages, abilities) on the YFS FB Group absolutely smashing their false beliefs. And now I’m one of them!”
– Jess B.

“Your mindset video was the tipping point. I realized I was stuck in a mindset of having to be thinner and stronger before I could do the program in order to be successful at the fancy poses. Yup, backwards! So now that I’m on the path, and I’m doing the work in the program, I’m not only seeing incremental successes in the fancy poses, but I’m also seeing a little bit of steady weight loss and feeling stronger and have more stamina. I’m so glad I found you. You are making a positive difference in my life!”
– Laura W.

Teaching you how to fly is my superpower

I’m Nathania Stambouli (Nat for short), and I believe that every one of us is freaking good at something.

For me, it’s teaching people to stand on their hands (especially people who don’t think they can!) and motivating my fellow humans to chase possibility in their lives.

I’ve been teaching people all over the world to stand on their hands and upside down since 2015. My favorite thing in the world (other than my cats and iced coffee) is watching my students go from “I can’t do that” to “holy crap I did it!!” after a few personalized instructions.

It happens every day and I LIVE FOR IT!!! 😭😭😭

When I first started yoga 13 years ago, I was convinced that “I could never” do all the things I saw the yogis around me doing in class.

Handstands, scorpions, forearm stands – I was convinced that my body didn’t work that way. I was too stiff and too tight and I just didn’t understand how to get my body to do the thing.

Learning to master these poses didn’t just change my practice and make the impossible, possible…It changed my LIFE. While the fancy tricks were fun, it’s what I learned about myself on the way there that actually mattered and made the journey worthwhile.

Living in Los Angeles, I had the honor of studying with incredible teachers. I became fascinated with the mechanics of balance, and how simple (not easy!) the poses are when you understand weight-shifting and preparation. And so I created a method that can take virtually anyone from face-planting to flying.

I’m building a tribe of people who believe in themselves, chase their dreams and #stopdropandninja anywhere. An E-RYT 500 with over 5,000 teaching hours, I am committed to your success, to you breaking through your stories of “I can’t” and GET that YES YOU CAN.

Here’s the thing
3 Minutes in yoga class twice a week isn’t going to get you there, or it would have already.

  • Trying the same techniques over and over and expecting different results is….well….you know what that is
  • Watching YouTube videos or Instagram tutorials from influencers who are super strong but aren’t really teaching is not a training plan if you want results.
  • Walking around thinking you aren’t good enough, or that you need to “get stronger” before you can do something you’re interested in just plain sucks.

Training arm balances and inversions from the perspective of physics & structure is the most effective way to make fast progress safely.

Unleash your inner ninja and learn to fly on your mat and in your life!

Yogi Flight School

A specialized arm balance and inversion course designed to get you standing on your hands from the first lesson and mastering dozens of shapes in weeks!

Yogi Flight School includes everything you need to nail your arm balances & inversions…in one place.

Yogi Flight School is an 8-module step-by-step video training course that walks you through taking flight on your hands in over 30 shapes no matter how little (or how much!) experience you have.


Set the foundation for your arm balance practice so you can fly like…NOW!
+ Prepare your hands and wrists to balance pain-free
+ Unlock your balance point
+ Discover crucial techniques: Joint stacking, shoulder actions, Bandhas (energy locks), hand technique, weight shifts & gazing points.
+ Meet your built-in braking system to prevent face-planting!

You’ll use these principles every single time you arm balance!

MODULE 1: Crow & More
MODULE 2: Revolved Shapes
MODULE 3: Open Leg Shapes
MODULE 4: Open Hip Shapes


Here we take it upside down with the fundamentals of inversions! Learn YFS’s unique technique to lock in your balance upside down even when you don’t know which way is up!
+ Use the shoulder strength you have to find stability right away
+ Find optimal hand & forearm placement for your current mobility level
+ Discover how to engage your core upside down to get off the wall fast!
Once you have this figured out, the next 4 modules are your playground!

MODULE 5: Headstands
MODULE 6: Handstand
MODULE 7: Forearm Stand
MODULE 8: Backbends

These yogis saw HUGE progress in record time!

Yogi Flight School is packed full of clear, effective, never-heard-before tips and instructions you can easily follow no matter your level of experience!

The program meets you where you are, and builds you up from there.

Yogi Flight School is unlike anything you’ve tried before, and our Ninjas rave about it!

YFS is PERFECT if you are…

🙋‍♂️ An aspiring yoga Ninja who has been working on arm balances and inversions for a while, but are frustrated with putting all the pieces together and never quite “nailing it” (till now!)

🙋🏾‍♂️ A yogi who has stayed away from arm balances and inversions because you don’t want to aggravate old injuries, or get new ones. We got you! You’ll see how to strengthen key body parts so you stay safe.

🙋‍♂️ A new yogi who practices regularly and wants to fast-track your arm balance and inversion progress

🙋🏽 An Intermediate yogi who wants to take your arm balance and inversion practice to the next level and string multiple arm balances/inversions together!

🙋🏾 A non-yogi who wants to have fun, shake shit up and try new things! ANYTHING is possible with commitment, dedication, trust – and a sense of humor!

Because I am committed to making your experience as SUCCESSFUL as possible,

I’ve included some 


to massively help you skyrocket your practice!!!

 50 Full-Length Vinyasa Classes
to put your learning into action + 5 Yin Classes!
Full length 60-minute Vinyasa classes with Nathania that you can practice on-demand  to practice building up to your headstands, handstands and arm balances while building strength – PLUS 5 Yin Yoga Classes to enhance your flexibility. This library is always growing.

 Exclusive Interviews
with 13 of the best Hand-Balancing Teachers in the World!
Meet some of the most elite arm balancers and teachers in the world like Yuri Marmerstein, Cyberyoga, Yogatheletica and more in this exclusive interview series! They share valuable tips and content to help you as you build your practice.

 Transformational Mindset Training!
This is way more than just about standing on your hands – it’s about everything you learn about yourself on the way up, and how you choose to approach your entire life.

YFS is more than just an arm balance program.

It is a mindset and physical experience that helps you make powerful, loving choices for yourself and turns the impossible into something you do every day.

Yes, you’ll learn how to stand on your hands, how to unlock complicated poses, how to get out of frustration with your practice, how to be a yoga ninja so you can flow into any pose with ease.

And it’s also deeper than that. You will learn:

  • To change the story about what you can and cannot achieve.
  • What’s possible when you LOVE, respect and show up for yourself with commitment and non-attachment.
  • What you have the power to create when you face your fear of falling and prove to yourself that you can fall and still be worthy.

Growth begins just outside of your comfort zone, when you start to break through fear and limiting beliefs, you drop your excuses and CREATE your life from the inside out!!

And it starts right here.

It’s exactly the kind of support I wish I had when I started out in this practice, instead of taking 5 years to learn how to handstand – it could have taken me 5 months or less 🤩

“…after watching 2 virtual arm balance workshops with Nathania, I was able to move from Side Crow to Fallen Angel pose for the first time in 8 years of yoga practice. Sure, I got a little bruised and sore but it was totally worth it!”
– Kat N.

“Yogi Flight School is a must for anyone who wants to unlock some of these challenging poses. Unlike a flow class where things keep moving, here you have time to practice, ask questions, and learn from your other yogis. She breaks down each pose, gives you time to figure it out, and offers encouragement along the way. I’m now doing poses that I’d struggled with before. I’m also stronger and more confident in my practice.”
– James S.

“…I used to think inversions weren’t ever going to be in my practice. They seemed kinda scary and inaccessible especially when practicing at home. But thanks to Nathania’s awesome program I can’t stop obsessing over them. Always finding new ways to change my perspective.”
– Erin B.

Whatever transformation you seek in your life, it begins the moment you CHOOSE IT and say YES to yourself.

Trust that with intention and belief in yourself, whatever is stopping you from choosing you will dissipate – a tight budget, a tight schedule, a limiting belief, a job you hate, a relationship that keeps you stuck.

Abundance of possibility is everywhere and stepping into YES opens the door to that abundance.

Trust that your intention is the most powerful energy in the world, and you have all the power to create what you want. 💪

It’s time to make one of two choices.

Choice #1: Do Nothing
As you already know, if you do nothing…then nothing changes. You can keep working on getting stronger, which will make you stronger but won’t make you arm balance, and you can make slow progress learning a bit here and there.

Choice #2: Start flying!
If you know that you want to finally nail these challenging poses, gain awesome skills and transform your practice so that you feel confident on your mat and surprise yourself with what’s possible, then the choice is obvious.

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    • The legality of our operations falls into a gray area. While we lack explicit approval from the course authors for resale, there’s a technicality at play. When procuring the course, the author didn’t specify any restrictions on resale. This legal nuance presents both an opportunity for us and a boon for those seeking budget-friendly access.
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    • Delving into the heart of the matter – quality. Acquiring the course directly from the sale page ensures that all documents and materials are identical to those obtained through conventional means. However, our differentiator lies in going beyond personal study; we take an extra step by reselling. It’s important to note that we are not the official course providers, meaning certain premium services aren’t included in our package:
      • No coaching calls or scheduled sessions with the author.
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