7-Figure Business Systems and Leadership Training with Katrina Ruth




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7-Figure Business Systems and Leadership Training with Katrina Ruth

You’re gonna learn everything you need to know about creating systems and strategies and structure from FLOW so that you can;

1. Spend more time in your zone of genius doing what you’re meant to be doing and just being you.

2. See your revenue grow consistently day in and day out, no matter what you’re doing which is how I’ve always liked to look at it. My personal policy and rule is that my income always has to be going up regardless of what I’m doing or not doing, whether I’m chilling or in my hustle flow either way my revenue goes up. I’ll be teaching you how to do that.

3. Soulmate audience growth consistently, regardless of what you are doing or are not doing.

So I’m super excited to get into this!

Let me show you what it’s taken me 13 years online to learn, drill down on, get SUPER clear on, and eliminate the fluff around.

Hi gorgeous!

I don’t even quite know where to start with this one, there’s so much buzzing up in my head about it! Do you? No? Okay I guess I will then 🙂

It’s been QUITE the little while coming, I know that …

And it has QUITE the insane amount of instantly-applicable content in it which I get to share with you!

And it is QUITE quite exciting, actually! Man! I wish I knew all of this when I started out … instead of flying around the Internet feeling largely blindfolded and handcuffed while also wading the fuck through energetic quicksand trying to figure out which way is up, what really matters, where to start, how to join anything together, how to create a clear pathway for peeps to go down to get to know me, follow, and, well, buy!



Now, after 13+ years of doing business online, it’s safe to say I’ve had enough laps around the block to know a thing or two about a thing or two.

  • I know how to engage
  • I know how to market
  • I know how to MAGNETIZE baby
  • ​I know how to monetize the FUCK out of anything (including, mostly, me just being me!)
  • ​I know how to launch like a damn pro … systematically … automatically … in a matter of HOURS, as well, from idea to sale, if I want (and I do!)
  • ​I know what to do when a launch is tanking
  • ​I know how to add a consistent 25-40% EXTRA on top of any launch using relevant upsells, add-ons, extras, cross-sells and so on
  • ​I know how to turn over as much as 90k per WEEK (top end, bottom end is 10k/ week, usually somewhere in middle) from my funnels, and that’s on TOP of the ‘live’ income which comes through from whatever my newer offers are
  • ​I know how to build community that MATTERS, where it feels amazing for everyone in it, and people just want to be AROUND me, stay around, get to know each other, become a family
  • ​I know how to do only what matters each day, be freaking consistent, move the needle with every move I make and every breath I take
  • ​I know how to build a team and also ensure that every member on that team is in their zone of genius, LOVES working with and for me, and also monetizes themselves, meaning, it only CREATES me money to pay my 13 employees and contractors
  • ​I know how to manage said team and ensure they’re also going WELL above and beyond my wildest expectations, train them to read my mind and do what I want before I even ask, and I know how to do all this without actually spending ANY time managing ’em … I am SO not about that haha, so I just automated and made easy the fuck out of it
  • ​I know how to leverage my content and every minute of my time so it is repurposed over and over again, and every word I write or speak basically becomes a little soldier in my business, making money for me!
  • ​I know how to do tech shiz niz, all of it necessary for online biz, and I also know how to ignore most of it ’cause it doesn’t matter. I know what DOES matter
  • ​I know how to create new recurring income streams which can add as much as an extra 100k / month to my bottom line in ONGOING income. I know how to create that out of thin air in a matter of hours. In general, I know how to create a fuckload of money out of thin air in a matter of hours
  • ​I know how to set up my high-ticket such that my soulmate clients come to ME and sign ME up
  • ​I know how to grow my audience like wildfire and ONLY with soul aligned badasses who do the work, love to pay me, and are fun to work with
  • ​I know how to create funnels that are actually fun and easy to build and work right away AND you get emails daily (for real!) from people thanking you for selling to them
  • ​I know how to do ALL of business so that people thank you every day for selling to them!
  • ​I know how to track and grow my money
  • ​I know how to ALWAYS exceed my money goals
  • ​I know about the energy and spirituality of money (and of all of this)
  • ​I know how to know what will sell
  • ​I know how to sell something that is not yet created
  • ​I know how to create it on the fly, SO fast and easily, and also put it together and deliver it super easily and fast
  • ​I know how to systemise and heavily automate customer service without EVER taking the personal connection out of it
  • ​I know how to grow my social media by just being me and screw all the rules
  • ​I know how to set and hold personal boundaries and policies, and only call in peeps who see you as the damn QUEEN
  • ​I know how to market sell and message all day every day just in and around living LIFE and without it EVER feeling like ‘work’, but yet resulting in millions of dollars of soul-aligned revenue made each year!
  • ​I know how to make FB advertising SO easy and natural, where people WANT to see your ads, and definitely wanna take action on them!
  • ​I know how to show up and be consistent
  • ​I know how to write sales pages that people want to read over and over again – or not read at all! – and then ALWAYS buy
  • ​I know how to overcome lack of motivation, lack of certainty, lack of know-how, the ‘I don’t wanna’s’, and the ‘I’m not good enough’s’s’
  • ​I know how to be a LEADER
  • ​I know how to train my mind and inner self ONLY for continual upgrades and success
  • ​I know how to make manifesting easy, fun, and YES
  • ​I know all the things you need to systemise and automate and actually have in place, how to do ’em

What you REALLY DO need and want

And what to ignore

And I also knowhow to get into your soul and mind in a way that makes you actually WANT to do it, and makes it feel easy!







And now?

In my brand new and SO long-awaited 7-Figure Business Systems and Leadership Training

I’m going to teach you all of this

Just for starters!

And so much more

Because I can!

Work With Me For 4 Weeks to Learn Everything You Need to Know About the Inner and Outer Workings of a Multi-7-Figure SOUL-Led Online Empire, So You Too Can Set Up Result and FLOW-Based Systems for Rapid and Consistent Tribe Grow –

Recurring Revenue Which Consistently Climbs –

Idea to Launch Processes with Ease, in a Way You ADORE –

Building a Soulmate Team Who Monetize THEMSELVES –

Money Energy as Well as Practicality, Tracking, Management –

and Basically Every Other Possible Thing You Could Imagine About Expanding Your Empire to This Size, and Having it All Work FOR You, Like WOAH –

So You Can Show Up and BE the Damn Show, Where You ONLY Do You Baby Boo –

Jump in now and get INSTANT ACCESS!
There’s actually a backstory about these trainings which make them EXTRA badass and special.

The first training was originally first run in one of my paid program at the time. It’s an exclusive Frontlines Report where my COO Ash and myself broke down EXACTLY how we made all of our money in the business for that month.

Where it came from, what we did to create it, expenses .. all of it. One thing lead to the next and before you know it my brother Ash Gregory set a challenge for members of my former monthly mastermind during one of our live trainings. The challenge was to launch a new offer within the next hour!

Which I did!

It wasn’t for me it was supposed to be for my members, but…

How could I resist THAT! Have you met me..?


This pre-work is quite literally a look into how my mind works when it comes to creating and then launching an offer.
You get to see first hand how to go from an idea to LAUNCHING IT!

This training is pure GOLD – and as The Millionaire Mastermind is now closed you literally cannot get it anywhere else! This alone is worth the full value of what you’re paying for 7-Figure Business Systems!!!

Don’t You Just Wish You Knew EXACTLY What to Do, and EXACTLY How to Do It, to Grow a Multi-Million Dollar Empire That Allows You to Just Do YOUR Magic, and Everything Just Works?!
That is exactly what my 7-Figure Business Systems and Leadership Training is all about!

Look, I’ll be honest with you (duh … ALWAYS) – I have spent a LOT of time online bitching about systems, strategy, and getting really ranty about how much time people waste worrying about this shiz.

I talk about how you should get to just make shit up! Throw it at the Internet! Go from FLOW baby, and then some! Fuck systems! Fuck process! Fuck any of it!

Wanna know why I say all of that so much, and still will, despite creating this offer for you on SYSTEMS?

It’s because people get it backward.
They worry about strategy when soul ALWAYS needs to come first, or it doesn’t matter.
And in the end, people will buy because they FEEL you, and that is it.


Of COURSE I have systems and strategy and process and automation a nd a LOT of fucking leveraging of time, energy, content, ME in my business.

I just allowed that shit to reveal itself to me from FLOW.

And I learned long ago that you DO not follow the rules on this stuff.

Not if you’re one of the driven, called, SOUL-led ones, anyway!

Now, after all these years of figuring it out, I am in a very rare and unique position where I am one of a VERY tiny group of people in the world who has built a multi-million dollar (that’s consistent annual income for years) online empire which allows me TOTAL lifestyle and money freedom and is also built FULLY on a foundation of ‘fuck the rules, I’ll just do me’, allowing me to do my soul work and live my ‘perfect day’ every day, KNOWING I am making a huge impact and also knowing that NOTHING in my life gets put on t he back burner.

Not my children.
Not my personal fitness and self-care.
Not my social life.
Not any part of my LIFE.


And THAT is what this 4 Week time together is about.

You’d deserve that too.

You deserve a business which FLOWS baby, and also GOES exactly where you want it to and know it should, becauseshould,becausebecause you know how to set up what matters,

And forget what really really does not.

How it Works, and What You Get:

  • A Replay of the weekly live training and hotseat / Q&A with myself and / or Ash Gregory (COO and Marketing Ninja here at The Katrina Ruth Show
  • 4 Additional Trainings going into a particular area of systems from flow and leadership
  • ​All content yours to keep for life!
  • ​EVERYTHING in the below section templated up, broken down to step-by-step, taught to you so you can implement right away and ALWAYS on a foundation of you being you
  • ​Access to the ‘behind the scenes’ of how I do it all, as everything I am teaching literally takes you behind the curtain of my business and breaks down what we do!

So What All is Included Again!!

  • I’ll teach you how to engage
    ​I’ll teach you how to market
  • ​I’ll teach you how to MAGNETIZE baby
  • ​I’ll teach you how to monetize the FUCK out of anything (including, mostly, me just being me!)
  • ​I’ll teach you how to launch like a damn pro … systematically … automatically … in a matter of HOURS, as well, from idea to sale, if I want (and I do!)
  • ​I’ll show you what to do when a launch is tanking
  • ​You’ll learn how to add a consistent 25-40% EXTRA on top of any launch using relevant upsells, add-ons, extras, cross-sells and so on
  • ​You’ll learn how to turn over as much as 90k per WEEK (top end, bottom end is 10k/ week, usually somewhere in middle) from my funnels, and that’s on TOP of the ‘live’ income which comes through from whatever my newer offers are
  • ​I’ll show you how to build community that MATTERS, where it feels amazing for everyone in it, and people just want to be AROUND me, stay around, get to know each other, become a family
  • ​You’ll learn how to do only what matters each day, be freaking consistent, move the needle with every move I make and every breath I take
  • ​You’ll learn how to build a team and also ensure that every member on that team is in their zone of genius, LOVES working with and for me, and also monetizes themselves, meaning, it only CREATES me money to pay my 13 employees and contractors
  • ​I’ll teach you how to manage said team and ensure they’re also going WELL above and beyond my wildest expectations, train them to read my mind and do what I want before I even ask, and I know how to do all this without actually spending ANY time managing ’em … I am SO not about that haha, so I just automated and made easy the fuck out of i
  • ​You’ll learn how to leverage my content and every minute of my time so it is repurposed over and over again, and every word I write or speak basically becomes a little soldier in my business, making money for me!
  • ​You’ll learn the tech shiz niz, all of it necessary for online biz, and I also know how to ignore most of it ’cause it doesn’t matter. I know what DOES matter.
  • ​I’ll teach you how to create new recurring income streams which can add as much as an extra 100k / month to my bottom line in ONGOING income. I know how to create that out of thin air in a matter of hours. In general, I know how to create a fuckload of money out of thin air in a matter of hours
  • ​I’ll show you how I set up my high-ticket such that my soulmate clients come to ME and sign ME up
  • ​You’ll see how I grow my audience like wildfire and ONLY with soul aligned badasses who do the work, love to pay me, and are fun to work with
  • ​You’ll learn how to create funnels that are actually fun and easy to build and work right away AND you get emails daily (for real!) from people thanking you for selling to them
  • ​I’ll teach you how to do ALL of business so that people thank you every day for selling to them!
  • ​You’ll learn how to track and grow my money
  • ​You’ll learn how to ALWAYS exceed my money goals​
  • ​I’ll teach you about the energy and spirituality of money (and of all of this)
  • ​I’ll teach you how to know what will sell
  • ​You’ll learn how to sell something that is not yet created
  • ​I’ll teach you how to create it on the fly, SO fast and easily, and also put it together and deliver it super easily and fast
  • ​You’ll learn how to systemise and heavily automate customer service without EVER taking the personal connection out of it
  • ​I’ll show you how I grow my social media by just being me and screw all the rules
  • ​I’ll teach you how to set and hold personal boundaries and policies, and only call in peeps who see you as the damn QUEEN
  • ​You’ll learn how to market sell and message all day every day just in and around living LIFE and without it EVER feeling like ‘work’, but yet resulting in millions of dollars of soul-aligned revenue made each year!
  • ​You’ll learn how to show up and be consistent
  • ​I’ll teach you how to write sales pages that people want to read over and over again – or not read at all! – and then ALWAYS buy
  • ​I’ll teach you how to overcome lack of motivation, lack of certainty, lack of know-how, the ‘I don’t wanna’s’, and the ‘I’m not good enough’s’s’
  • ​You’ll learn how to be a LEADER
  • ​I’ll teach you how to train your mind and inner self ONLY for continual upgrades and success
  • ​I’ll teach you how to make manifesting easy, fun, and YES
  • ​You’ll learn all the things you need to systemise and automate and actually have in place, how to do ’em, what you REALLY DO need and want, and what to ignore
  • ​You’ll learn how to get into your soul and mind in a way that makes you actually WANT to do it, and makes it feel easy!





About Katrina Ruth
I’m KATRINA RUTH. I’m a self-made multi-millionaire, and I work with successful badasses like YOU, who kick their OWN ass … and then I kick it a little bit harder.

I currently live on the Gold Coast of Australia, and I’m a single Mum to my two beautiful children, Alyssa and Nathan. I travel a LOT with my business (sometimes with the kids, sometimes not), and my business allows me to be fully location free.
After many MANY years of not going all in, NOT speaking my truth or doing what I really wanted to do in the world, I finally said yes to purpose and sharing my deep soul message, AND to doing the damn work, and now, well –

Here we are.
I have been fortunate enough to build up an INCREDIBLE online community of driven entrepreneurs and leaders and creators, and each day I get to do what I always wanted to do, which is to motivate, educate, empower and inspire you to press play and create the business and life YOU want.

I’ve made close to $15,000,000 (yes, 15 million dollars) online just by speaking my truth and following the path of my soul, breaking any and all rules that don’t feel fuck yes for me, and also – and this is my fave! – really just being ME. Yeah, I might have some fancier stuff now than when I started, but my business was built on, and still runs on, me being the girl who just loves to write and say what needs to be said running around usually in her gym gear as a hot mess, in between being a Mum and just, well, living life!

You do NOT have to be anything other than who and what you already are to create all of this. Other than just that part of you who you’ve not yet dared to own, hmmm?! But you sure as shit don’t need to be polished, prepared, perfect. I’m still not! And never will be. What you do need to be is this:

Ready to fucking claim it. To recognise that yeah, the hardest work in the world is to march into our dreams without looking back, and to choose to be the version of us we know we’re meant for, every damn day, with zero availability for anything except seeing it ALL come to life.

What Are You Waiting For Gorgeous?
The knowledge, power and care I will be teaching you in this time together WILL return itself to you 100x over, and beyond, if you apply even a portion of it.

You know this.

Let me show you what it’s taken me 13 years online to learn, drill down on, get SUPER clear on, and eliminate the fluff around.

Let me show you what works.

Make it easy.

Make it simple.

Make it fun.

And help you to get it working,

So that you can get back to the business of being you –

And letting the whole damn world see you!

The way it should be.

Remember –

Life is Now. Press Play!

Kat x


Work With Me For 4 Weeks to Learn Everything You Need to Know About the Inner and Outer Workings of a Multi-7-Figure SOUL-Led Online Empire, So You Too Can Set Up Result and FLOW-Based Systems for Rapid and Consistent Tribe Grow –
Recurring Revenue Which Consistently Climbs –

Idea to Launch Processes with Ease, in a Way You ADORE –

Building a Soulmate Team Who Monetize THEMSELVES –

Money Energy as Well as Practicality, Tracking, Management –

and Basically Every Other Possible Thing You Could Imagine About Expanding Your Empire to This Size, and Having it All Work FOR You, Like WOAH –

So You Can Show Up and BE the Damn Show, Where You ONLY Do You Baby Boo –

Even if Right Now You Have No Idea How to Do Biz Like a Grown-Up and You’re All Over the Damn Place Messy!

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