Alex Barker – Resume Mastery




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Alex Barker – Resume Mastery

Resume Mastery

The Pharmacist’s Guide to Creating a Resume that Gets Interviews

Can you imagine submitting the perfect resume and hiring managers saying YES to you before they call you for an interview?

Before you dismiss this dream as a real possibility for you…

Let me tell you what I know to be true about you. You are really passionate about pharmacy. Actually, you’re really passionate about helping people. It’s why you got into pharmacy in the first place.

And now, you’re either stuck in a place with little patient interaction, or you’re just trying to find a job period. You apply endlessly to different positions, yet either receive rejections or get no response at all.

You know you could bring tremendous value to the workplace, but you just seem to get lost in the other countless resumes these hiring managers or recruiters have sifted through.

How do you stand out?

How do you tell them who you really are on one sheet of paper?

If only you could find the right words to make that clear.

In a face-to-face conversation, you know you could tell anyone about how passionate you are for helping people; how driven you are; how you go above and beyond to make sure your job is done right every day.

Yet somehow, you can’t seem to get that face-to-face conversation at all. Your resume simply isn’t doing the job.

Here’s the secret to a resume that gets interviews

The entire purpose of a resume is telling the hiring manager why you’re the perfect fit for their needs.

Period. End of story.

Now, there are plenty of people who disagree with that. And that’s okay. That’s not who I’m talking to.

Through many years of trial and error, I’ve developed some key practices that get you noticed right away, all just from your resume. I want to pass that information along and save you the same mistakes that I made.

What I Teach Gets Call Backs and Interviews

You’ve got to start thinking about your resume differently.

Your resume is the one document you should be focusing the most of your time on before hitting that “apply” button.

Your resume should sound personal and tell your story. But most importantly, it should tell how you will add value to the company you’re applying to.

Generally, hiring managers don’t care about all of your achievements, certifications, clubs you were in and on and on. Their job is to hire the person that will add the most value to the company.

If your resume doesn’t convey that, you’re probably not getting a call.

Let’s Talk about the Resume Masterclass

This class will give you a fool-proof, step-by-step formula to creating the perfect resume for each job you apply to every time.

It will also help you define what you really want so you only apply to the jobs that really make you excited. We’ll start with the end in mind, and create the path to get you there.

You don’t have to reinvent the wheel every time you create your resume.

There are several key areas that should be customized for each job you’re applying for. Once you have the formula, all you have to do is plug in your words.

If it would feel like a miracle to submit your resume and actually get an invitation to interview – you’re exactly the kind of person I’d like to help.

What do I get when I sign up?

Define What Your Successful Career Looks Like

Understand that your next job may not be your dream job but it’s all about working towards a better job each time.

The Resume Writing System

Learn the best ways to brainstorm and draft your resume. Learn how to think about resume from the chair of a hiring manager and still convey your passions.

Creating a Career Inventory

Create a personal go-to document that makes future resume writing faster and easier. It is an inventory sheet of all your job histories, skills and certifications.

Templates, Grammar, and Organization

You’ll learn how to polish your draft into the perfect resume. We’ll cover proper grammar, common mistakes, and what exactly to include in your final product.

Go Beyond What’s Expected

To stand out in this overcrowded market, you need to do what your competition isn’t willing to do. We’ll teach you two steps you need to take.

Get the Secret to Interview-Winning Resumes

This class is solely about taking action and putting the control back in your hands.

You’re going to get guided, step-by-step instructions to scrap your old thinking and craft the perfect resume every.single.time.

I love helping pharmacists identify their barriers to success and completely break them down. Creating a powerful resume is one of the most common barriers I see, but I’m here to tell you, it’s not so hard to overcome it with the right tools and guidance.

Here’s how the class will go….

  1. We’ll cover how to get the absolute most out of this course.
    Every resume should have a purpose and we’ll go over what that purpose is. You’ll schedule your course time and go over your action steps.
  2. Starting with the end in mind, we’ll define what you want out of your career and where you want to be years down the road. Disregard the “how” and define your passions first. We’ll define the “how” later.
  3. We’ll create your Career Inventory to make resume writing easier down the road. Pick and choose each skill or certification that is most relevant to the job you’re applying for.
  4. Rethink how you write your resume and reverse engineer it. You’ll learn how to match your skill inventory to the job you’re applying for and fine-tune each sentence with keywords and accomplishments.
  5. Gain access to numerous beautifully-designed resume templates. We’ll also cover essential grammar mistakes to avoid and keywords that you should be using.
  6. Ever wonder what exactly you should include on your resume? We’ll help you with that too. We’ll cover all the sections that need to be included and what can be left out.
  7. You’ll learn how create the most impactful and powerful lists of your skills and achievements in a short and sweet bulleted format.
  8. We’ll spend time polishing your resume to ensure that it’s ready to land on the desk of a hiring manager.
  9. After the course wraps up and you still have questions, you’ll have an opportunity to ask all the questions you have about creating a resume.


There will be a bonus lecture that highlights how to define what makes you impressive.

Resume Gap Analysis: Identifying Professional Development Needs
You’ll learn:
– How to identify gaps in your resume
– Create an actionable plan for filling those gaps
– How to get ‘unstuck’ from moving forward with your next career move

LinkedIn 101: Deploying the world’s #1 networking website to secure your next position
You’ll learn:

– How to kickstart your LinkedIn profile
– 10 tips to increase your visibility and chances of getting an interview
– How to make meaningful connections with LinkedIn

The Most Important Piece of This Class

Taking action.

This class is all about taking action and getting feedback. I’m here to help guide the creation of your resume, but it’s up to you to make it personal and make it great.

Grab your pen and paper, you’re going to write your next standout resume.

Is this class right for me?

I want to make sure this is going to be the best class for you. If you can say yes to the statements below, I’m confident this class is right for you.

✔ You want to make a job change because you’re not satisfied with your current situation

✔ You recently graduated and need to find a job

✔ You’ve been applying for jobs and are either rejected a majority of the time or don’t get a response at all

✔ You haven’t gotten an interview request in the past 2 months

✔ You are so discouraged at this point you’re considering settling for your current job

It’s my mission to make sure every pharmacist can communicate their skills and passions to get closer and closer to a job they’re happy to go to every day.

There are other options available to you

* Use templates from the internet

  • You could do this to create something that looks relatively appealing, but if it doesn’t get you interviews, something tells me this may be a pretty fruitless path. You need a resume that is geared specifically for pharmacy jobs, which can be hard to find as a free template.

* Scroll through 100s of free advice articles online.

  • Similar to using free templates, there are a ton of free resources articles out there to create resumes. But how do you know which ones are sound? This method could generate some results, but there is a ton of time invested to make it happen.

Or you could learn the formula that works. 24 hours. 10 modules. You’ll have the key to creating a standout resume and you’ll learn it in a personal environment where you can ask questions and get feedback.

Let’s create a resume that gets results.

Imagine you got just one interview a month after rewriting your resume? That’s definitely achievable.

Two? Totally attainable. By the end of 9 months you would have had 18 jobs to consider.

And all you did to get these results is rethink how you write your resume. Your resume is the foundation to finding a new job. All you have to do is change your method to writing.

It’s a no brainer. But that, of course, is up to you.

Your Instructor

 Alex Barker
Ready for a change yet?

Heyo, I’m Alex and I’ve developed the Career Jumpstart Masterclass because I’m obsessed with helping pharmacists find fulfilling careers. I don’t want any pharmacist to feel stuck, burned out or completely devoid of energy after work.

I know this class works because I’ve been there! This class was developed by me and dozens of other pharmacists who started EXACTLY where you are today. Best of all, you don’t have to make all the mistakes I made (trust me, there were plenty) because I’ve worked them out for you.

What I want for you is to find an inspiring career and have the energy to do the things you love again. You’ll be on the same path as other pharmacists I’ve helped.

Course Curriculum

Module 1 – Preparation
Introduction (6:21)
[Optional] The Future of Your Career (10:31)
Career Braindump (11:43)
Write Your Resume! (5:55)

Module 2 – Resume Sections
Overview (0:36)
Contact (2:14)
Professional Summary (5:49)
Skills (5:27)
Professional Experience (5:16)
Personal Information (4:09)
Education/Certifications (3:18)

Module 3 – Bring It All Together
The Resume Guts (5:21)
Finalizing Your Resume (16:43)
Q & A (5:36)

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