Awai – Copywriting Academy




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Awai – Copywriting Academy

Ready to Set Yourself Apart…
And Become Immediately Recognized for
Having the Direct Response Writing Skills
Businesses Need Now?

American Writers & Artists Institute (AWAI) — the world’s largest,
longest running, and most respected educational center for
professional writing careers — announces the opening of:


The First and Only Industry-Recognized Program for Becoming a Highly Skilled, Highly Paid, Professional Direct-Response Copywriter in Six Months or Less

If you’ve ever thought about becoming a well-paid, professional copywriter…

And you’re looking for the fastest, most efficient way to get the skills, experience, and confidence needed to compete, thrive, and be recognized at the highest levels of our industry…

Today’s announcement is for you.

American Writers & Artists Institute — the world’s largest, oldest, and most respected educational center for professional writing careers…

Together with three of our industry’s largest organizations for professional writers — and an alliance of A-level copywriters responsible for over $600 billion in direct sales online…

Have all joined forces to create the first-ever “university level” curriculum for copywriters.

It’s called Copywriting Academy…

And it is — by far — the most comprehensive training any new writer can receive within our industry.

If you’re new to our world and confused by all the programs and courses out there…

If you’re unsure what to do FIRST…

Or, if you’ve started your writing career, and you want to break free from the growing pack of B-and-C-level “project” writers that populate the market today… and gain an A-level understanding of how effective copy works in today’s new era of digital marketing…

Academy is your answer.

Why Academy — and why now?

Since the Internet emerged, copywriting has gone from a little-known skill only a few industries relied upon…

To an essential skill that the millions of businesses that make up the $6.17 trillion (and still-growing) e-commerce market need every day.

So it comes as no surprise that spending on marketing and copywriters is expected to continue its rapid growth… from $567 billion in 2022… to $626 billion this year… to $835 billion by 2026.

But all this new demand for writers has presented something of a challenge for the millions of businesses who find themselves needing professional copywriters.

Not only are they having trouble finding these writers…

Many who promote themselves as copywriters… simply aren’t skilled at the level businesses need.

So businesses want a solution…

They want a way to know — very quickly and in no uncertain terms — that the writer they’re considering has the knowledge and skills to do the job.

And it’s not just businesses.

Serious writers tell us they also want businesses to know that they are skilled and qualified to do the writing asked of them…

And have long wanted a way to separate themselves from “pretenders” out there… gain an elite, recognized level of training that gives them standing within the industry… and the confidence to say, “Yes, I can do the writing clients need!”

Copywriting Academy is the answer to both of these urgent needs.

It’s assurance from a respected agency that the writer standing before any business has completed a rigorous course of study…

Understands the principles of persuasive copywriting…

Has passed a competency test…

And has successfully written copy at a level a panel of their peers has deemed as “market ready.”

And who better to create and lead such a curriculum than AWAI… the very first training organization to introduce copywriting to a new generation of aspiring writers back in 1997…

Before the e-commerce explosion…

Before many even knew what copywriting was or how lucrative it could be for those who learned it…

And who over the past 26 years has been the guiding hand for many thousands of new and aspiring writers transitioning to prestigious and rewarding careers as well-paid professional writers.

Full details on Academy training and enrolment details are below…

But in a nutshell…
Your Transformation BeginsImmediately…

Your transformation to A-level copywriter begins the very day you enroll in Academy — and continues, as an alum, throughout the entirety of your writing career.

It’s like stepping on to an ascending escalator where your knowledge, experience, and confidence grows as you complete the 270 fast-paced but incredibly insightful skill-building lessons and exercises… and “level up” through the seven stages of comprehensive learning.

As an Academy student, you gain a deep, unshakeable foundation in the skill of copywriting and the art of persuasive writing…

You’re tested at every stage so the major copywriting concepts crucial to your success are ingrained in you.

You write — a lot.

You get written constructive feedback and direction throughout every level from professional writers… along with weekly live Office Hours with expert writers where you can ask questions and get clarification… ensuring your final copy is of the highest level possible.

You apply your newly learned skills to the kind of real-world writing projects businesses need…

And in doing so, get to build a varied and professional portfolio of writing under the guiding hands of expert copywriters.

Once you’ve ascended through the seven levels of core learning, there’s a final exam that will test you on everything you’ve learned…

Along with a Capstone writing project where you get to incorporate your fresh knowledge and burgeoning writing skills into a series of writing projects businesses need most.

Become a Paid, “Market-Ready” Copywriter in Six Months or Less!
And since Academy’s core curriculum is 100% self-paced and delivered via an online Learning Management System (LMS) similar to what top universities use…

Students able to dedicate an hour or two per day can complete their training in six months or less.

And because you learn marketable skills as you go, there’s a very good chance you could be earning money as a writer well before you complete your full training.

But there’s more…

— Copywriter Practicums —
The Most Important (and Valuable) Experience Any New Writer Can Have

Upon graduation you’ll be invited, at no additional charge, to a series of Academy’s exclusive Copywriter Practicums…

Simply put, practicums are incredibly valuable “simulated” learning environments where you gain added confidence by actually getting to see and experience what it’s like to be hired and “work” for an actual client…

Everything from the first “intake” call with the client… to understanding the scope of the project… to the writing project itself… to submitting your drafts…

You’ll know exactly what clients expect of you and how to exude total professionalism — in a safe “can’t fail” environment.

Better still, immediately after graduation you’ll get to participate in — not one — but THREE Copywriter Practicums — so you gain experience working with clients offering a variety of products and services.

And because each Practicum comes with its own writing assignment (also with professional feedback and review!), you further bolster your ever-growing portfolio of writing.

Resources and Ongoing Education…
For the Entirety of Your Career

There are more benefits Copywriting Academy students and alum enjoy — including many that last the entirety of your writing career…

Academy alum also can choose from up to six practice writing assignments you can submit for professional feedback to keep your skills sharp — as well as lifetime access to AWAI’s exclusive WritersWanted, the industry’s largest jobs board for copywriters.

And with many more benefits to be added as the program evolves — Academy is the most complete immersion into the world of copywriting and business-building you will find.

Now Accepting

As you can imagine, Academy is a serious investment in your professional education.

As far as cost goes, it’ll be on par with most professional training from top educational centers…

Which, as you may already know, can range anywhere from $5,000 — all the way up to $16,500 (or more).

But as you’ll see in the program summary I’ve attached below…

We’re offering special pricing for “Founder’s Class” members as part of this special “pre-launch” opportunity…

Where — for a very limited time — you get lifetime access to all the training and benefits…

For a mere fraction of the price it will be when we launch Academy industry-wide in 2024!

Of course, even at the full tuition price, Copywriting Academy is nowhere near what you’d pay at any college or university…

And given the massive demand that exists right now for copywriters…

The professional fees skilled copywriters earn…

And the fact you could start earning money as a writer while you’re still “in class” learning…

It’s possible to earn back your entire tuition cost from one project for a single client…

Not to mention long-term earning potential and all the doors copywriting and a firm grasp of digital marketing practices can open up for you!

Again, your special pricing can be found below…

But first, I’ve attached a working summary of Academy benefits — including a closer look at the alliance of experts you’ll be learning from… the core seven levels of Academy curriculum… and more.

Thank you for being a part of our “Founder’s Class” invitation…

Rebecca and I look forward to welcoming you to Academy!

To your success,

Katie Yeakle
Executive Director, AWAI

How Academy Training Works
(and Everything You Get)

Once accepted into AWAI’s Copywriting Academy, students are immediately and fully immersed in the art (and science) of persuasive copywriting.

You learn how to become a successful, in-demand, well-paid working copywriter from the ground up…

Everything from how the industry works, how writers get paid, and all the copy needs along the customer journey…

To the essentials of deep research… A-level methods for writing captivating headlines and leads… how persuasive messaging is structured… how to incorporate elements of proof and authority… write conversationally… create impossible-to-refuse offers… find, land, and work with clients… grow your writing business… and much, much more.

Upon completion of AWAI Academy training, students will have all the knowledge and writing skills they need to compete and succeed at the highest levels of our industry.

“Alliance of Experts & Instructors”

Your success with Academy begins with our dedicated faculty and deep connections with experts and writers industry-wide.

Academy is unique in that you learn not just the theories and ideas of a single guru…

Nor are you in the hands of lifelong “academics” who may or may not have a successful track record as copywriters themselves.

As an Academy student, you learn from legends past and present, including actual professional writers who still write for and work with active clients every day…

Which means everything you learn about writing and marketing is based on PROVEN up-to-the-minute principles used by some of the greatest minds in direct response and tested across all markets, platforms, and conditions.

Here are just some of the writing legends you’ll either meet as part of your Academy experience… or whose valuable insights have been incorporated into this comprehensive training.

Direct Response Marketing Icons
Modern-Day Masters Who’ve Shaped Our Industry…

Mark Ford
master copywriter, mentor, bestselling author, and philanthropist who has parlayed his copywriting, marketing knowledge, and entrepreneurial skills into multimillion-dollar businesses.

Bill Bonner
bestselling author and founder of The Agora, the largest publishers of financial, health, and lifestyle information.

Dan Kennedy
author, copywriter, consultant, business coach, speaker, and one of the greatest direct marketers of our era.

Clayton Makepeace
known as the “million-dollar copywriter” because his promotions generated millions of dollars in sales and he spent decades earning more than a million dollars a year.

Drayton Bird
direct marketing legend, author, and named by The Chartered Institute of Marketing as one of the 50 living individuals who have shaped direct-response marketing today.

Bob Bly
America’s Top Copywriter, according to McGraw-Hill, Bob brings over four decades of expertise in B2B and consumer copywriting as a teacher, coach, and author of over 100 books.

These are the legends whose deep insights into writing and persuasion will elevate any writer who learns them to the highest levels of our industry.

Master Marketers and Business Builders
Who’ve Harnessed the Power of Copywriting

Ryan Deiss
digital marketing pioneer, founder of,,, and founder and host of Traffic & Conversion Summit.

Brian Kurtz
self-professed “serial marketer” and a “copywriter’s marketer” who worked with some of the very best during his 34 years as head of marketing at Boardroom Inc. and Bottom Line books.

Russ Henneberry
founder of marketing consultancy theCLIKK, co-author of Digital Marketing for Dummies, and a digital marketing pro.

Mike Ward
built one of the most successful financial newsletter publishing groups at Agora from the ground up, with annual sales-copy-driven revenues as high as $250 million per year.

Sandy Franks
master marketer, publisher, and copy chief who played a major role in the massive growth at Agora through her 35-plus years of training, mentoring, and working with copywriters.

Brian Clark
founder of Copyblogger, the content marketing website that The Guardian and Advertising Age called one of the most powerful and influential blogs in the world.

Each of these great marketers understand the power of great copy.
What these marketers and business owners have to say about copy will impact your career enormously!

The “Eight and Nine-Figure Copywriters Club”

John Forde
a 24-year copywriting veteran, founder of Copywriter Roundtable, and is responsible for hundreds of millions of dollars in sales in the health and finance niches.

Carline Anglade-Cole
protégé of the great Clayton Makepeace, author, and in-demand direct-response copywriter with 30 years of experience as a specialist in the lucrative alternative health niche.

David Deutsch
world-renowned direct-response copywriter, marketing pro, author, and writing coach with over a billion dollars in sales generated for such A-level clients as Agora and Boardroom Inc.

Mike Palmer
Chief Copywriter at Marketwise, one of the greatest “Big Idea” financial copywriters today, and the writer behind dozens of the best-performing promotions for Stansberry Research.

Henry Bingaman
writer of some of the most successful seven-and-eight-figure promotions for Money Map Press, generating more than $300 million (and two million new customers) over 10 years.

Richard Armstrong
leading freelance copywriter specializing in subscription publishing, memberships, and fundraising, whose client list includes Boardroom, Rodale, Reader’s Digest, AWAI, and Agora.

Paul Hollingshead
a Co-Founder of AWAI, he’s written hundreds of successful promotions for the financial and self-help niches, and the very first invitation letters that launched and grew AWAI.

Guillermo Rubio
a master at the art of long-form sales copy and well-known in the industry for his ability to create email campaigns that have generated millions of dollars for his clients.

Don Mahoney
a Co-Founder of AWAI and one of the most successful sales letter writers in the health and financial niches right up to his passing in 2015.

Jen Stevens
one of the industry’s best at incorporating the captivating power of storytelling into copywriting and Executive Editor at Agora’s International Living.

Marcella Allison
mentor and highly sought-after writer whose copy for financial trading services, alternative health publications, and supplements has generated hundreds of millions of dollars in sales.

Academy is loaded with advice from these and other modern-day master copywriters who routinely generate tens — even hundreds — of millions of dollars in sales every year!

Industry Niche Experts and Specialists

Heather Robson
veteran A-list copy, content, case study, and white paper writer who has evolved into one of the world’s leading experts in User Experience (UX) copywriting.

Nick Usborne
digital copywriting pioneer, specializing in showing writers how to leverage their copywriting skills into successful businesses that generate passive income and grow in value.

Ben Settle
an A-list copywriter and one of the premier email writers and “clientless” business creators of our generation, with a loyal following of writers reading his “Email Players” newsletter.

Andrew Davis
bestselling author, internationally acclaimed keynote speaker, digital marketing guru, and a master at persuasion through video.

Ann Handley
master content writer, digital marketing pioneer, author of two Wall Street Journal Bestsellers, and your go-to expert when it comes to writing the kind of content businesses need now.

In addition to their A-level writing skills, these are copywriters we know and work with that have unique and extraordinary “special skills” you’ll one day need as a writer.

Academy Faculty, Guidance,
and Student Advocacy
AWAI, nor Academy could exist without the tireless effort and support of the amazing team of co-founders, owners, and copywriter advocates who get up every morning with the mission of making YOU a better, more successful writer. Meet the folks who’ll not only play a major role in your core curriculum training — but also at live Academy exclusive Office Hours, “Deep Dive” sessions, and more…

Rebecca Matter
President, AWAI
With over 20 years of marketing experience, Rebecca has spearheaded successful million-dollar campaigns for countless products, and is willing to do anything she can to help eager, new, up-and-coming copywriters succeed.

Katie Yeakle
Co-Founder &
Executive Director, AWAI
Recognizing the industry-wide need for talented copywriters, Katie helped establish AWAI in 1997, and has been instrumental in building the vast alliance of industry experts and influencers that have made Academy possible.

Pam Foster
AWAI’s Learning Chief
Pam has been a copywriter for over 20 years, but recently sold her branded copywriting business to focus on helping AWAI members level up their skills through programs she’s created and, more recently, Academy.

— All Masters —Present and Past
Also incorporated into your Academy experience are secrets and insights from the legions of masters who inspired today’s most successful writers…

Including the great David Ogilvy, Gene Schwartz, Victor Schwab, Jay Abraham, John Caples, Claude Hopkins, Ted Nicholas, Robert Collier, Herschell Gordon Lewis, Gene Schwartz, Gary Bencivenga, and others.

All legends present and past…

The greatest thinkers and innovators of our industry…

The best writers working today…

It all adds up to the most comprehensive training ever offered to new copywriters.

Academy’s Core Curriculum:
7 Levels of Accelerated Learning

Copywriting Academy starts with the core curriculum…

Over 270 lessons and assignments across 7 levels of incentive-based learning that you complete entirely at your own time pace.

You begin by gaining the deepest understanding of your role as a copywriter in today’s digital economy and the enormous opportunity ahead of you…

To where you’ll have skills to plan and write every element of a successful online marketing and acquisition campaign.

Along the way, you’ll get feedback on your writing… be tested on your knowledge… build a comprehensive portfolio… meet and interact with experts and fellow students… be invited to exclusive “Deep Dive” learning sessions — all as you work towards earning your highly coveted, industry-recognized Direct Response Copywriter.

Here are some details and highlights of your seven levels of Copywriter Academy training:


What Every Copywriter Needs to Know About Copy, the Industry, and the Copywriter’s Role in It
Copywriters who succeed faster are those who have a clear understanding of their role, the opportunity before them, how the money works, what clients expect from them, and what copy needs to achieve at every stage of the customer journey. You’ll learn:

  • Why the industry needs copywriters, who needs them most, and why it pays so well…
  • How copy is all about persuasion and immediate response…
  • How marketing works and your role as a member of the larger marketing team…
  • The Customer Journey and the Copy-Content Continuum…
  • How Marketing Funnels work in business, and how to build one…
  • Understanding the “language” of direct response…
  • Understanding the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) copywriters need to know…
  • Various ways copywriters help their clients attract customers, make more money, and all the ways you can be paid…
  • What you need to be a successful copywriter — and what you don’t…
  • Traits, habits, and daily routines of successful copywriters…
  • How to start and build your own Swipe File — and why it’s important…
  • And more…

— Level Summary —As a “Level 1” copywriter, you’ll be completely immersed into the “world” of copywriting and leave with everything you’ll need to know to start your new writing career.

Persuasion: What it Means and Why it’s the Cornerstone of Your Copywriting Success
The “power to persuade” is perhaps the most valuable and lucrative skill anyone can have, and to be able to do it in writing is — quite literally — a passport to unlimited riches. You’ll learn:

  • What persuasion really means and its crucial role in every piece of copy copywriters write…
  • Understanding, finding, and transmitting “emotionally compelling and persuasive ideas” in copy…
  • The secret of “clarity”…
  • The secret of “specificity”…
  • Understanding the “Rule of One” as a copywriter…
  • The psychology of persuasion and Aristotle’s “Three Appeals”…
  • Ways to inject persuasion into every sales message you write…
  • How to make any writing — copy, content, emails — irresistibly and instantly compelling…
  • Understanding the secret architecture of persuasion…
  • The seven questions readers will have that your copy must answer…
  • The invisible structure behind the world’s most successful sales messages…
  • And more…

— Level Summary —As a “Level 2” writer, you’ll understand “persuasion” better than anyone on earth, ensuring it’s at the core of every writing project you take on.

Getting to Know Your Prospect — the Most Important Person You’ll Ever Know as a Copywriter
The best copywriters understand that readers are much more than “a potential customer.”

Instead, the best writers and marketers see their readers as our good friend and writer Seth Godin sees them: As people who simply want to become better versions of themselves — and you’re there to help them. You’ll learn:

  • How to know who your true prospect is…
  • Beyond demographics — why it’s much better to have a real-life image of the person you’re writing to… and who it should be…
  • How to learn how to speak your reader’s language…
  • How to connect the solution you’re offering to the emotion your reader connects to it…
  • The theory of resistance and how to overcome it…
  • How to ensure every piece of copy or content you write is 100% focused on your reader’s wants, needs, and desires…
  • A simple three-step formula for matching your headline to your reader’s emotional desire…
  • How to strike the right balance when writing conversationally…
  • Finding your unique voice as a copywriter…
  • Using “story” to connect with your reader…
  • How to leverage curiosity as a copywriter…
  • The most important question you can ask (and answer) in copy to understand what your reader really wants…
  • How to keep your readers riveted…
  • How to command attention in a “cluttered” world…
  • And more…

— Level Summary —Level 3 is all about understanding why the great writers genuinely care about their reader… want to help them… and how you “create” that relationship before you even write a word of your letter.

The Power of Research: Your Key to Big, Emotionally Compelling Ideas and Strong Body Copy
Few writers reach the top levels of our industry without a passion for research. Thanks to the internet and AI, that part of the copywriter’s job just got a whole lot easier.

In Level 4, you learn to leverage all the tools available to writers today to unearth exciting, compelling ideas that will captivate your reader and form what another good friend of AWAI and founder of StoryBrand, Donald Miller, calls “the controlling idea” of every sales message:

  • The best places to find breakthrough “Big Ideas”…
  • Beyond the Google search: How to research like a pro and unearth gems that lead to winning copy every time…
  • How to record and organize the research you find so it can be easily incorporated into your copy…
  • How to use research to find the “controlling ideas” for your promotions…
  • Research you can do that practically lets you “read your reader’s mind”…
  • It’s all about new — how to take old ideas and make them seem fresh and new in the eyes of your reader…
  • How to harness the power of AI — the copywriter’s new and most powerful research tool…
  • How to spot “hidden gems” of research most copywriters will miss…
  • How successful copywriters view the world around them differently… and how you can follow their lead…
  • And more…

— Level Summary —Level 4 is about equipping you with the most powerful “secret weapon” all great copywriters have — the power to see the world as a marketer, find and identify new and powerful ideas, and set your writing apart in dramatic fashion.

Writing a Sales Letter — Using AWAI’s “Deconstructed Flow” Method
The ability to write a complete sales letter is one of the most important — and lucrative — skills a copywriter can have… and one that’s missing from the repertoires of so many “B-level” writers.

Why? Because it’s the one copywriting project that has all the elements of persuasion — from an attention-getting headline… to a strong promise… to proof and credibility… to irresistible offer and close.

Throughout Level 5, you’ll learn to write ALL the elements of a professional sales letter from beginning to end… and in the process, write a sales letter of your own — with feedback — which will later become a core component of your Capstone writing project. This includes:

  • Headlines that break through the clutter and noise, grab your reader by the lapels, and instantly connect with your reader’s needs, wants, and desires…
  • Leads that make a strong promise while keeping your reader engaged and wanting to read more…
  • Body copy that builds trust by delivering undeniable proof that your product can deliver on its core promise, while “layering in” additional benefits that make your offer even more compelling…
  • Offers and price propositions your reader simply can’t resist…
  • Closes and Calls-to-Action that summarize product benefits, justify pricing, create urgency, give your readers a clear action to take, and make clear the downside of not taking action…
  • Ironclad resistance breakers that address any additional “logical” barriers a reader might have to responding to your offer…
  • Order forms that clearly and concisely summarize your main promise, core product benefits, price, offer… and make it easy for your prospect to buy…
  • And more…

— Level Summary —The ability to write a cohesive, persuasive sales letter is the “holy grail” for copywriters. Not only is it one of the highest paying projects in the direct response world, once you can write a sales letter, you can write anything!

A-Level Editing: Taking Your Copy from Good to Great
With a draft of your sales letter written, time to apply one of the most valuable and important skills a professional copywriter can have — the ability to take your copy from good to great through high-level editing.

And once you have these master editing techniques under your belt, you’ll apply them to the first draft of the sales letter you’ve just written… run it through the special “copy checklist” we’ll give you… apply feedback… until you’re confident enough to submit your sales letter as part of your Capstone writing project.

  • How to train your brain to recognize winning sales copy…
  • Style guides and what to know about writing for different industries…
  • How to use the FK score to make your copy more readable…
  • How to polish copy by putting it through a “Punch List”…
  • Words and phrases that have no place in persuasive copy…
  • How to write concise but powerful transitions that let you move seamlessly from one idea to the next…
  • How to use AWAI’s “peer review” and C.U.B.A. copy processes…
  • How to eliminate confusing, unbelievable, and “boring” copy…
  • How to use the “Four-Legged Stool” to ensure your sales letter has all the copy elements needed to make it thrive…
  • How to craft a writing and editing process that works for you…
  • How professional copywriters edit their copy (a “First-to-Final” case study)…
  • And more…

— Level Summary —Editing is about far more than finding grammatical errors and typos — it’s about ensuring your copy is readable, engaging, and connecting with your reader at the highest level. Level 6 training not only shows you how, but gives you the tools, checklists, and filters professional writers use every day.

Copy Elements of the Customer Journey: How to Write a Complete Online Acquisition and Sales Campaign
In Level 7, you’ll learn to write all the smaller copy projects needed to support and drive readers to the sales letter you’ve written and polished in Levels 5 and 6, including:

  • Space ads for Google and social media designed to generate immediate interest in what you’re selling to the market you’re targeting…
  • SEO content that engages a prospective buyer by offering real and useful solutions based on what they’re searching for…
  • Emails that encourage readers to click to and read your sales letter…
  • Landing pages that offer free reports or other giveaways in exchange for the name and email address of a new potential customer…
  • “Stick” emails that welcome new customers where you can start building long-term relationships…
  • And more…

— Level Summary —While the sales letter you write and edit in Levels 5 and 6 put into practice your newly formed skills of persuasion — Level 7 will ensure you know how to carry over those skills to smaller “collateral” projects all businesses need… and can offer you additional billing opportunities.

What to Expect During
Your Curriculum Training
Each Academy student is free to move through this essential Curriculum training at your own pace.

That said, you’re encouraged to take the time needed to understand all the core principles of each level since each new skill builds on the last…

And earning your coveted Direct Response Copywriter is reliant on passing a final knowledge-based exam.

We expect you can complete the training and writing assignments within six months by dedicating between five and 10 hours per week. However, if you have more time and want to finish faster, that’s entirely possible.

Capstone Assignment, Final Exam, and of Completion
To earn your highly coveted Direct Response Copywriter…

And be recognized industry-wide as a writer who has successfully completed the most rigorous “university level” training ever offered to aspiring copywriters…

As part of the Capstone experience, you’ll submit your writing for one round of professional review and feedback… and then re-submit once feedback is applied for final grading.

Client Experience Through
Copywriter-Client Practicums
Once you’ve successfully completed Academy’s Core Curriculum, written assignments, and received your Direct Response Copywriter…

You will be invited — at no additional charge — to take part in an Academy-exclusive Copywriter Practicum where you learn what it’s like to work with real clients in a “zero risk, no fail” simulation exercise.

You’ll start by choosing the first of three client types meant to represent the kind of clients you’ll be writing for: a product-based company, a service-based firm, and a professional organization like a doctor’s office, CPA, or vet clinic.

The value of this optional Practicum is it takes you through the entire client process — from the initial “intake” call… to submission of your final draft of copy.

You get to see the “back and forth” that happens between writers and marketers…

You come to understand what marketers are looking for in terms of professionalism, copy submissions, and meeting deadlines…

You learn what research materials marketers typically supply and what you need to find on your own…

You’ll hear the questions to ask in order to understand the full scope of the project…

Also, since you’re writing as part of your Copywriter Practicum… with even more professional feedback… it’s yet another opportunity to add your growing portfolio of writing samples.

Then, once you finish your FIRST Practicum…

You go to your second one…

Then your third…

So that when you do land that first real-world client as a professional copywriter… it will actually be your fourth!

Rather than be nervous or intimidated when that first “real” client experience is about to happen… you’ll be calm and confident… because you’ll know exactly what to expect… the conversation that’s about to unfold… and the questions you need to ask!

Better still, AWAI’s Copywriter Practicum is offered at no additional charge to students who have completed the core training.

But there are even more benefits for Academy alum…

Career Guidance and
Continuing Education

Once you’re Academy alum, you’re never alone when it comes to finding or working with clients — or anything involving the “business” of copywriting.

Also, alums enjoy lifetime “access by email” to members of the training team that guided you through your seven levels of training…

As well as an open lifetime invitation to Academy’s weekly Office Hours sessions with top experts who can answer any questions you have about writing and business.

And, of course, Academy members have access to an amazing Student Services team that can help you find what you need from an exhaustive bank of resources, to which Academy members and alum have lifetime access, including:

  • Client call scripts…
  • Detailed tutorials on setting up your own website and a professional LinkedIn profile…
  • A series of market-tested Client Attraction Strategies successful professional copywriters use — and you can replicate — that draw clients to them…
  • Professional forms and templates, including invoices, proposals, project agreements, testimonial requests, and more…
  • Roadmaps and questionnaires for identifying and selecting the perfect writing niche for you…
  • AWAI’s exclusive “new copywriter’s guide” for finding your first client through LinkedIn and low-risk projects from clients who prefer to work with new writers…
  • “Client conversation” scripts and email templates that let you handle virtually any client-related issue that may arise — pricing concerns, copy edits, project scope changes, and more…
  • Access to more advanced strategies for growing your business and freelancer income like “productization” methods for bundling your writing services and retainer deals that can set up multiple streams of ongoing income…
  • And more…

All Encompassing, Fully Immersive Learning Experience

Academy leaves no stone unturned when it comes to helping you achieve ultimate, long-term success as a professional direct-response copywriter…

From ensuring you have the foundational skills you need… to starting your writing business and landing clients… to the resources that’ll help you overcome any challenge as a writer… to giving you every opportunity to grow your knowledge at every stage of your career.

  •  Marketing Resources
  • Capstone Project
  • Peer Networking
  • Copywriters Resources

Who Is AWAI’s

Copywriting Academy For?

While Academy’s resources have been geared to writers looking to have lucrative freelance careers, Academy is truly for anyone who needs or wants to be a better, more persuasive writer:

  • Entrepreneurs — either active or aspiring — who want the kind of high-level persuasive writing skills that can get their businesses launched on the right footing… or make their current businesses more profitable…
  • Company employees who want to become stronger and more persuasive writers overall, and thus more valuable to their firms…
  • Marketers who work with copywriters day to day or are asked to write copy from time to time… and want a better grasp of what effective “in the trenches” copywriting is all about…
  • Staff writers who never got a foundational education in true persuasive writing and want to become more effective in their jobs and more valuable to their employers…
  • Professionals and business owners who want to open up new revenue streams for their businesses using proven copywriting techniques…
  • Essentially anyone who wants to put the power of persuasion to work in all aspects of their lives!
  • Frequently Asked Questions:

    1. Innovative Business Model:
      • Embrace the reality of a genuine business! Our approach involves forming a group buy, where we collectively share the costs among members. Using these funds, we purchase sought-after courses from sale pages and make them accessible to individuals facing financial constraints. Despite potential reservations from the authors, our customers appreciate the affordability and accessibility we provide.
    2. The Legal Landscape: Yes and No:
      • The legality of our operations falls into a gray area. While we lack explicit approval from the course authors for resale, there’s a technicality at play. When procuring the course, the author didn’t specify any restrictions on resale. This legal nuance presents both an opportunity for us and a boon for those seeking budget-friendly access.
    3. Quality Assurance: Unveiling the Real Deal:
      • Delving into the heart of the matter – quality. Acquiring the course directly from the sale page ensures that all documents and materials are identical to those obtained through conventional means. However, our differentiator lies in going beyond personal study; we take an extra step by reselling. It’s important to note that we are not the official course providers, meaning certain premium services aren’t included in our package:
        • No coaching calls or scheduled sessions with the author.
        • No access to the author’s private Facebook group or web portal.
        • No entry to the author’s exclusive membership forum.
        • No direct email support from the author or their team.

      We operate independently, aiming to bridge the affordability gap without the additional services offered by official course channels. Your understanding of our unique approach is greatly appreciated.

    Refund is acceptable:

    • Firstly, item is not as explained
    • Secondly, Item do not work the way it should.
    • Thirdly, and most importantly, support extension can not be used.

    Thank you for choosing us! We’re so happy that you feel comfortable enough with us to forward your business here.

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