Monica Main – Apartment Building Cash Flow System 2015




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Monica Main – Apartment Building Cash Flow System 2015

How You Can Make a $24,000 Monthly Cash Flow from Multifamily Apartment Buildings with NO CASH and NO CREDIT…But ONLY If You Know My Exact Real Estate Money-Making Success Blueprint!

Yes, You CAN Become a Real Estate Millionaire and Within 36 Months OR LESS!

Give Me a Few Minutes of Your Time and I’ll Show You EXACTLY How!

From Monica Main
Real Estate Wealth Expert

Dear Future Real Estate Tycoon,

The real estate market has DRAMATICALLY SHIFTED since the peak-before-the-crash year in 2005/2006 (depending on the area of the country).  In face, since you’ve lived through our worst economic crisis in our living history, you’ve probably personally sustained some type of financial loss during our recent Millenial Depression.  And you would also know full well how much has changed with real estate, banking, credit, and investing just with a short handful of years!

When I first introduced my groundbreaking Apartment Building Cash Flow System back in late 2006, it was during this unthinkable economic disaster.  Even still, I’ve had untold amounts of students use the course to make huge sums of money with multifamily apartment building real estate.

It’s next to impossible for anyone to “predict” the future and you can’t come up with a solid, bona-fide, tried-and-true plan for anything — especially investing — when the chaotic grounds beneath your feet keep shifting violently on an almost-daily basis.


The dust has settled, the economy is moving forward in an upward trend at full speed, and we’re about to enter into a time that will put the Roaring 20s to shame.

This is NOT a time in history that you want to miss out on.  And it’s certainly NOT a period in your history where you want to be sitting back and watching while everyone else is cashing in on a BIG SCALE!

Because that’s basically what you’ll have to be doing to miss out on all of the financial opportunities coming your way; you’d literally have to be sitting on your hands doing nothing to miss out on the incredible financial windfall that EVERYONE will benefit from IF they are invested SOMEWHERE in the market!

The Rules of Real Estate Investing Have COMPLETELY CHANGED in the Past 7 Years

As you already know, the rules of real estate investing have dramatically changed.  And if you’re not aware of these changes and how to work within these New Economic Rules, you don’t have a chance in becoming a successful real estate investor.

Now, let’s back up for a second…

For those of you who don’t know who I am, I’ve been a successful real estate investor since 1995.  That’s 20 years now!  (Wow, time really does fly!)

I first started off flipping single-family homes/residences (SFRs) and then moved into residential-commercial (apartment building) real estate in 2001.  This is when I realized that the money is in Passive Income Strategies (namely cash flow real estate) and NOT in flipping or buying SFRs.

But the money isn’t in just any type of Passive Income Asset.  The BIG MONEY is specifically in multifamily apartment building real estate investing!

I’ve had several of my investor buddies who are (or rather “were”) big office building and strip center (commercial-commercial) real estate investors.  While it’s good to have anywhere from 10% to 25% of your overall investing portfolio in commercial-commercial assets, it’s NOT wise to have MOST (or all) of your assets in this specific real estate asset class.  I can tell you that ALL of my investor cohorts who were heavily invested in commercial-commercial investing lost most or all of their properties between 2008 and 2010.


Because during recessive economic times, your business owner tenants (which represent 100% of your tenants in any commercial-commercial property) get hit the hardest.  Even the “Big Boy” big box retailers (like Circuit City, Levitz, etc.) aren’t immune to heavy-hitting recessions.


If you’re a multifamily (residential-commercial) apartment building investor, you not only have the greatest chance of weathering a major recession but, in most cases, you’ll even be able to cash flow during BOTH the good and bad economic times!

Multifamily real estate is like NO OTHER type of real estate investing out there because it is low risk and highly profitably all at the same time!  You really can’t go wrong!!



There are plenty of real estate “gurus” out there will NOT tell you the REAL DEAL in how to make big money in real estate because, in reality, their “systems” don’t work.  Those courses that they are selling are for them to MAKE MONEY and NOT to make you rich!

These “gurus” MAY OR MAY NOT know the secrets to making money in real estate but, even if they do, they’ll NEVER TELL YOU THE REAL SYSTEM TO REAL ESTATE INVESTING!


What I’m About to Share With You in the Next Few Minutes is MORE Than Most Real Estate “Gurus” Will Share With You In Their Entire “System”

You are about to be SHOCKED, AMAZED, and SUPER EXCITED because I’m going to reveal to you a bona-fide, “blueprint” of how you can invest in cash flow real estate starting from exactly where you are now!  And yes, that means if you have “nothing,” you can still make a fortune from this passive income opportunity once you discover how!

Real estate investing is still the BEST way to make both quick money AND creating a long-term cash flow.  You can immediately start building a strong and stable foundation of long-lasting (and permanent) financial security to last your entire lifetime AND the lifetime of your children if you work my plan in the exact step-by-step order that I lay it out for you.

I can recently seen 4 of my students go from NOTHING (and I mean FLAT BROKE without a nickel to their name) to multi-millionaires many times over in real estate.  And we’re talking all within a couple of years.  AND YOU CAN, TOO!  Anyone can!

I didn’t want to just have merely enough money above and beyond my bills.  I wanted to be obscenely, extremely, and outrageously RICH!  I wanted money POURING out of my pockets and diamonds DRIPPING off my body.  I wanted the best of the best and I was convinced — beyond a shadow of a doubt — that real estate was one of the ONLY vehicles that could take someone with NO MONEY, NO CREDIT and NO EXPERIENCE to VERY WEALTHY within the SHORTEST amount of time.

The nice part about real estate is that it will ALWAYS be around.  People will always need food, clothing, and shelter.  Even if the whole world falls apart, people will always need a place to live.  Even cavemen lived in…well, caves.  That was the first form of real estate, I presume.

But…It’s NOT Just ANY Kind of Real Estate Investing That Can Make You Filthy Rich and It’s Not Just Real Estate in ANY Part of the Country That Can Make Money

What’s amazing is that, after the amount of years that I’ve been studying, investing, acquiring, and selling properties, I discovered two (2) things:

1)  The big money is NOT in single-family residential (SFR) properties.  Flipping properties can make you some money in nice little chunks here and there but, right now, there’s too much competition to be able to make it work!

2)  You make money buying and KEEPING properties, NOT buying and selling properties.  It’s the monthly cash flow that makes you rich!

And how did I come to this conclusion?

After too many years of trial and error to count.

Just like you, my real estate investing venture started with books and courses by bogus know-nothing scamming real estate “gurus” and, unfortunately, I would have been better off not readying/learning anything instead of learning all of the WRONG WAYS of investing in real estate.

But it wasn’t until I met Dr. Raj through an unrelated business deal (for a different business I had at the time) when I learned about the REAL DEAL of getting extremely wealthy in real estate.

When I met Dr. Raj, I made an off-handed comment about how I buy houses, rehab them, and flip them for a profit.  His eyes lit up the second I started talking about real estate.

But he told me — in a nice way — that I was doing it all wrong!

Here’s what Dr. Raj taught me in the minutes that followed:

1)  Invest in multifamily properties, namely smaller apartment buildings (which are called “residential-commercial” properties).

2)  Consider investing out of state (since we’re both located in Southern California where property cash flows are pretty much non-existent unless you’re prepared to put at least 40% cash down on a deal…and that’s simply not realistic in an already-overpriced real estate market) or in areas of our state that could cash flow.

Let me tell you.  In just a few short minutes, I went from dubious about apartment building real estate to a full believer.  He sold me on the amounts of monthly cash flow he was enjoying as his net proceeds (net cash flow) and the fact that he was less than a year away from completely retiring!

He was so excited about his apartment real estate acquisitions that he ended up spilling the beans on exactly how he got started and what he did to end up with tens of thousands of dollars in net income per month having only started apartment building investing a couple of years before.  He also said that he wished he hadn’t started so late in life with multifamily real estate because he could have been retired by then…and that’s why he wanted to pass on the secrets he knew about real estate.  So I could retire young!

My only problem at the time was that all of my money was tied up in my business so I had NO MONEY to put down on a property.  The other problem was that I had the WORST credit in history at the time.  Dr. Raj insisted that I could get several properties with NO CASH and NO CREDIT.

And he told me exactly how.

The Secret is Getting SMALLER Apartment Building Properties…Under 24 Units

There are two (2) types of properties that you’ll want to focus in on:

1)  Multifamily residential

2)  Residential-commercial

But wait?

Aren’t they both the same?

No.  They aren’t.  Close.  But they’re not the same.

A multifamily residential property is a property of 2 to 4 units in size.  For this type of property, even though there are technically “multiple” units (or more than one), this falls under the residential lending category.  This means that you’ll need a residential lender to give you a residential loan on a property of 2 to 4 residential units.

A residential-commercial property is any apartment building of 5 units or more.  To obtain this type of property, you’ll be getting a commercial loan to secure the deal.

Since each type of property has a different type of mortgage requirement, here are two (2) things you must consider when deciding which type of property you can consider for a real estate investment:

1)  If you have less than perfect credit (or a mid-FICO of less than 680) and you don’t have a strong personal income then qualifying for a residential loan for a multifamily residential property will be difficult.

2)  Believe it or not, qualifying for a residential-commercial mortgage is easier, especially with credit problems and/or a low personal income.  The qualification process of any commercial property has to do with the property’s cash flow and NOT the buyer’s personal income.

Banks that lend on residential properties are much different than commercial lenders.  They have different requirements that are pretty stringent, especially after our near-banking collapse in 2008.

So, yes!  Believe it or not, it’s actually easier to get financing for an apartment building than it is for a duplex if you have credit problems and/or a low (or no) personal income; this is because commercial banks and lenders will focus on the cash flow of the property rather than individual credit and personal income.

Why 24 Units (or Less) is the “Sweet Spot”

But…since it’s “easier” to get financing for a residential-commercial building/property, why stop at getting only 24 units?  Why not get 100 or 200 units?

Here are five (5) reasons why you want to stick with apartment buildings under 24 units:

1)  No competition with bigger, serious investors.  Serious investors who have large portfolios of commercial investment properties aren’t interested in anything less than 24 units.  Since things have heated up quite a bit since our economic recovery started in 2011 (even though you probably didn’t see it), investors started snatching every type of property up that you could think of since it was the “bottom” of the real estate market.  Now that things have balanced out a little, they’re back to focusing on larger assets and don’t want the “little fish,” if you know what I mean.

2)  Bank qualification is easier.  It’s easier to get bank funding on a property that’s only a few hundred thousands dollars upward to even a million dollars without having to jump through a lot of hoops with the bank.  Banks will want to see a “management resume,” “investment portfolio,” “excellent personal credit,” and other criteria when you are getting over the $3 million mark for an investment property.  When you stay small, they understand that you’re probably a new investor just starting out and won’t expect the same criteria for getting a commercial loan than a larger property.

3)  Purchase prices are much lower.  Since you will be raising down payment funds through a hard money lender (that specializes in 2nd position loans), through a private investor, by cashing out some assets you may have, or by hitting up family/friends/co-workers, it’s much easier to cough up 20% on a $200,000 to $500,000 property deal than 20% on a $5 million dollar deal.

4)  Sellers will offer seller “seconds” or partial (or 100%) owner/seller financing.  Smaller properties (24 units or less) usually end up sitting on the market MUCH LONGER than larger residential-commercial properties because bigger investors aren’t interested in wasting their time on them.  So, because of this, sellers are willing to “be creative” from holding paper on some (or even all) of the purchase price.  By the way, you have to use “new lingo” in order to get sellers to want to do creative financing deals and this is all covered in the NEW ABCFS 2015.

5)  Sellers will often GO DOWN on the purchase price willingly.  Again, because these smaller properties tend to sit a long time, sellers with these types of apartment buildings are more apt to negotiate with you on a lower purchase price just to sell their property!

“But, what if I want to sell my property one day?  Will I have a problem selling it, too?”

Here’s a little secret: you WILL NOT be selling your property.  Ever!

One of the reasons my real estate investing strategies are so effective is because I teach you the RIGHT WAY to invest for short-term and long-term wealth building.  And the first thing you need to learn about investing in income property is that you will be adopting what I call my Buy-and-Hold Strategy.  You will essentially buy and hold onto your property…forever!  Therefore, you’ll never have to worry about selling it because…well, you WON’T be selling it.  Ever!

“But, why would an apartment building owner want to sell a cash flowing property?”

Many apartment building owners, especially when you target that 24-unit-or-under “sweet spot,” are mom-and-pop building owners.  This means they have personally managed the property for, in most cases, decades.  They see that the economy is starting to recover and they want to take now as their opportunity to sell so they can enjoy the remainder of their senior years without working.

The good news is that a lot of these older apartment building owners have tons of equity in their properties!  This allows for them to offer you partial seller financing since it’s required that they have to equity in the property to pull this off!

How to Become an Apartment Building Millionaire with NO CASH and NO CREDIT!

As I mentioned before, the real estate market has changed A LOT in the past 7 years.  A LOT!  When I first came out with my initial Apartment Building Cash Flow System, many of the things I talk about in that course NO LONGER APPLY.  This is why I’ve provided updates in 2008, 2010, 2011, and 2012.  But since I’ve offered the course, I’ve NEVER undergone a COMPLETE AND MAJOR OVERHAUL of the entire course.

As I have now!

The NEW 2015 Apartment Building Cash Flow System (ABCFS) has completely revised information for TODAY’S apartment building real estate market.  I’m also including information on how to get into apartment building foreclosures which isn’t included in any prior ABCFS edition!

Yes, you CAN realistically become an apartment building millionaire but you have to have TODAY’S tools on how to make it happen.

So, is it really possible to get involved in apartment building investing with NO CASH and NO CREDIT?

Yes, it is!

But you have to know how to do it.  You have to know how to construct your creative financing.  You’ll have to know where to get the money for down payments.  You have to know all of TODAY’S TOOLS in getting rich with real estate.  In fact, I will go so far as to say that ANY book or course on real estate investing BEFORE 2012 is completely outdated and useless!

Also, competition is getting hot and heavy out there.  You have to know how to find properties OTHER than using or other online MLS search engines.  I’m going to show you a powerful strategy to not only find properties in droves but all of these property types have something in common: sellers that are motivated to do creative financing deals!

New Powerful Lenders in the 2015 Million-Dollar Resource Directory

The most critical element of getting involved in real estate is using OPM (Other People’s Money).  I have some new resources that allow for some pretty powerful creative financing methods including partial seller financing.  I even have a resource that will do 100% financing provided that they get a percentage of the deal!  (This is a BRAND NEW resource that’s not part of ANY other directory I’ve put together!)

The Apartment Building Cash Flow System Has EVERYTHING YOU NEED for Your Investor Tool Box to Get You a $24,000 Per Month Net Income in Less Than 36 Months!

Here’s what the 2015 ABCFS has:

  • ABCFS Manual:  This heavy-duty manual has all of the details about how to get started in apartment building real estate from scratch.  You’ll discover how to get started, how to find and structure deals, how to do creative financing and how to find financing in today’s market.  You’ll also understand how to find apartment building foreclosures and how to rehab properties for big money!
  • Quick Start Guide:  This is a step-by-step plan on exactly how to get started in the easiest format we’ve ever presented to our students!  Go from not knowing anything about investing to becoming an “experienced” investor within a few short minutes!
  • Resource Directory:  All of the best and most powerful CURRENT money sources including brokers, lenders, and funders.
  • 2-Hour Audio Seminar:  Complete audio seminar includes EVERYTHING you need to know about apartment building from how to get started to where to invest to how to financially structure deals to how to write a winning offer and much, much more!
  • CFE (Cash Flow Evaluator) and Tutorial Video:  These are the REQUIRED tools for you to financially assess a property deal.  You should NEVER consider investing in a single property without first using this easy-to-use Excel spreadsheet that is like NOTHING else out there.  This tool will show you if your property cash flows, or not.  It’ll also show you WHAT PRICE to offer for the property to ensure that you DO cash flow!
  • CD-ROM of Forms Including the NEW Tested-and-Proven Offer Form:  This includes our newest tested-and-proven hybrid LOI/offer form that negates you from any financial/legal responsibility in your offer (unlike traditional offers) while including all of your necessary contingencies needed for any offer you want to write on any property!
  • CD-ROM of NEW Secret Letters to Sellers:  In order to get an edge in the market by finding properties other investors can’t get to, you need to have well-written letters to send to prospective sellers.  This CD-ROM includes the best and newest letters to not only get property owners to sell their property to you but to cajole them into doing some creative financing for you!
  • BONUS VIDEO:  How to Get Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars in Private Funding
  • BONUS VIDEO:  How to Get Sellers to Beat a Path to Your Door
  • BONUS VIDEO:  How to Financially Structure a Deal
  • BONUS VIDEO:  How to Find the Cash Flow on ANY Property
  • BONUS VIDEO:  How to Write Up an Offer That Will Get Accepted

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