Robert Miner – The Dynamic Trading Master Course




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Robert Miner – The Dynamic Trading Master Course

A Complete Professional Course of Instruction
A complete curriculum of five complete, streaming courses

Course #1: Practical Elliott Wave Trade Strategies
Course #2: Beyond Fib Retracements
Course #3: Multiple Time frame Momentum Strategies
Course #4: Beyond Traditional Cycles: Fib Time Cycles
Course #5: Real World Trade Plans and Strategies

  • A true multimedia learning experience
  • Video instruction by Robert Miner
  • Bar by bar “what do you do now” live screen recordings
  • Audio / visual instruction for every key point
  • Comprehensive support material. No note taking necessary.
  • Quizzes for each section to test and reinforce your comprehension of the material
  • Incorporates the latest in accelerated learning technologies
  • Five complete streaming courses. Over 25 hours of step-by-step learning experience.
  • Absolutely no other trading course of any kind, for any price provides this comprehensive and practical trading education.

A Brief Letter From Robert Miner

Dear Trader:

Please take just a couple minutes to let me describe a bit about my comprehensive program and what it takes to be a consistently successful trader.

For more than 35 years I have been teaching traders my unique and practical application of simple pattern analysis, unique approach to Fib price and time analysis, multiple time frame and practical trade strategies and more. I’ve won a first place in the annual Robbins World Cup Championship of Futures Trading, been named the Market Guru of the Year and my first book, Dynamic Trading, was named the Trading Book of the Year. My most recent book, High Probability Trading Strategies has consistently been one of the biggest selling trading books each year since it was first published in 2008.

I have completed the most aggressive and comprehensive trading education program of my 35 year career, the Dynamic Trading Master Course. This course is the most complete, most educational, most practical and just plain best trading course available anywhere, at any price.

If you will make the commitment to take the time to study this course, I have complete confidence you will be blown away with this education and be able to put it to real-time use and dramatically improve your trading results like so many of our students have.


Robert Miner

5 Complete Courses for a step-by-step learning experience

Over 25 Hours of Step-By-Step Instruction incorporating the latest Accelerated Learning Techniques

Any Market, Any Time Frame
We use futures, Forex, stock and ETF examples of every time frame throughout the course. No matter what market or what time frame you trade, you will learn a comprehensive and practical trade plan that you can apply to any market and any time frame.

The Real World of Fibonacci Time and Price Trade Strategies
I certainly wasn’t the first to use Fibonacci retracements, but I’m not aware of anyone who used Fib Price AND Time strategies to identify specific End of Wave and Reversal Target Zones with such a high degree of accuracy. I began to develop this process in 1989, before most so-called educators new what Bull or Bear was.

Simplified and Practical Elliott Wave Pattern Recognition
I’ve been using Elliott Wave as an important part of my trade strategy for almost 35 years. It seems every year, I simplify how to recognize and apply simple Elliott Wave structures for real world trade strategies. I’ve never seen anyone else make Elliott Wave so simple and useful for practical trade decisions. In about 12 hours of training, you’ll know more about how to use Elliott Wave for real world trade decisions than most Elliott Wave academics who have spent years trying to learn Elliott Wave. Let them argue amongst themselves about complicated wave structures. We just want to make a high probability trade decision for any market and any time frame.

Learn To Trade, Not Forecast
A HUGE mistake many new (and not so new) traders make is to think that to be a successful trader, you must be able to forecast a market. Nothing could be further from the truth. Trading is about having the tools and plan to identify conditions with a high probability outcome and acceptable capital exposure. That’s what you learn with every lesson in the Dynamic Trading Master Course.

Why Traders Don’t Reach Their Potential
In the 35 years I’ve been teaching traders, I have learned two consistent reasons traders do not reach their potential for consistent profits.

First, they fail to get a complete trading education. Many traders spend years trying different techniques; but they never take the time to get a complete trading education about each critical component of a trade plan and how to put it to practical use to make real-time decisions, day in and day out.

In this interactive trading workshop, you will be taken step-by-step through our unique trading approach including Dynamic Fib Price Target system, Dynamic Fib Time Targets, very simplified and practical Elliott Wave, Multiple Time Frame Momentum strategies, multiple unit trade strategies and more. Then you will learn how to develop a complete trade plan including entry, initial stop-loss, profit targets, multiple unit trading and more. You will learn how to make objective trade decisions day in and day out. You will learn how to Think like a successful trader.

The second reason traders don’t reach their potential for successful trading is the lack of a trading plan. Their trading “plan” is a hodge podge techniques they’ve picked up by the so-called trading gurus and not an integrated and tested plan developed by an actual successful trader. By the end of this course, you will experience a specific, objective trade plan and understand how to apply it bar-by-bar for any active market.

Over 25 Hours Of Practical and Comprehensive Trading Education For Less Than The Cost of Most Weekend Workshops
You are not going to learn all of this valuable material in a weekend. You will take 25-30 hours to go through all of the material over a three to six week period. That includes all the videos, principles and concepts sections, mastery examples, bar-by-bar instruction, quizzes and printed support material for each section. Each lesson takes 15-30 minutes. For the best learning experience, we recommend you do just one or two lessons each day, even if you have more time available.

This complete trading workshop is available for
less than the cost of most weekend workshops.
Yet it covers more material than possible from a live workshop. Learn at your own pace. Have a permanent workshop experience to review any part at any time.

More About The Dynamic Trading Master Course

By Robert Miner

For several years, I wanted to do a new comprehensive, online streaming course. I felt it was only through this type of format and presentation that a comprehensive educational experience could be presented that would offer an outstanding learning experience for the user.

Every trading workshop I’ve seen – whether a video, online or CD presentation – was either amateurishly presented or not comprehensive, or both. I contracted with a multi-media, educational consultant to produce a comprehensive, high quality and true accelerated learning experience. What we originally planned as a six month project, required 12 months to complete to achieve the high standards we set and include all the necessary lessons. The results are beyond my expectations in both content, organization and presentation.

We incorporated the latest accelerated learning technologies including what are called “multiple levels of intelligence learning techniques”. This is a fancy term for different people learn in different ways. When the material is presented in each of the key learning modalities, it will be the best learning experience possible for all learners.

The complete Dynamic Trading Master Course is actually a series of five distinct courses.  The lessons total 25-30 hours. Plus there are the quizzes, final exams and support materials to review. It should take you three to six weeks to complete, depending on how much time you want to commit each week. There are five courses and 6-10 chapters per course. We recommend you do one of the five courses each week, 2-3 lessons each day.

A Final Note From Robert Miner
I’ve been in the business of trading, educating traders and publishing an advisory/trade/education report for over 35 years. As you know, this industry is rife with hucksters selling shoddy material for ridiculous amounts of money. I’ve seen dozens of them come and go over the past 35 years. I’ve maintained a commitment to provide quality education at a reasonable price.

I’ve educated traders in over 30 countries and have many traders who have been with me for 15-20 years and more who year after year continue to learn from our educational products and reports. Every minute of this workshop was designed from the perspective of the learner. While developing the workshop, I constantly asked the question, what is the core material that needs to be learned and how can it best be taught so each student will thoroughly understand it, and learn how to apply it, regardless of the market or time frame they want to trade.

I know you will have an extraordinary learning experience and take your trading results to another level once you have taken the time to study all of this course material. I look forward to hearing about your success – just as I’ve heard from so many of our students over the years.

Robert Miner
Dynamic Traders Group, Inc.

The Dynamic Trading Master Course
A Complete Professional Course of Instruction
is a complete curriculum that includes five main sections that are step-by-step individual courses themselves, including:

  • Practical Elliott Wave Trade Strategies
  • Beyond Fib Retracements: Dynamic Price Target Zones
  • Multiple Time Frame Momentum Strategies: The Key to Trend Direction and Trade Execution
  • Beyond Traditional Cycles: Fib Time Factors and Reversal Targets
  • The Real World of Trade Plans and Trade Strategies

The Dynamic Trading Master Course Curriculum
This just a brief summary of some of the highlights of each course.

Practical Elliott Wave Trade Strategies
The real world of simplied Elliott Wave trading.

  • Introduction to practical Elliott Wave
  • Trend or Counter Trend: It’s about 5s and 3s.
  • Impulse Trends: The rules and guidelines
  • Counter Trends: From The Simple to the Complex
  • How to Identify the Probable Pattern Very Early
  • Subdivisions and more
  • Alternate Wave Counts
  • How to think in terms of pattern position
  • E-Wave trade strategies from entry to exit
  • Support Materials and Final Exam

Beyond Fib Retracements
Dynamic Price and End of Wave Target Zones

  • Ratios and Market Structure
  • The Key Price Factors: Internal and External Retracements and Alternate Price Projections
  • End of Wave (EOW) Target zones
  • Why “Support and Resistance” are useless terms
  • Pattern Reversal and Reversal Confirmation Signals
  • Price Over Balance and Symmetry Zones

Multiple Time Frame Momentum Strategies
A powerful trend filter and trade execution strategy

  • Momentum Vs. Price Cycles
  • Popular Indicators and How To Choose Settings
  • What is a Dual Time Frame (DTF) Momentum Setup?
  • Dual Look Back (DLB) Momentum Reversals
  • DTF and DLB Momentum Strategies from Entry to Exit

Beyond Traditional Cycles
Fib Timing and Dynamic Time Cycles

  • The Real World of Fibonacci Time Cycles
  • Dynamic Time Targets
  • Time Bands
  • Reversal Cycles
  • How to identify the Maximum Time to Complete a Trend or Counter Trend

The Real World of Trade Plans and Trade Strategies
The Business of Trading and More

  • Trading As A Business
  • Multiple Unit Trade Strategies
  • Profit Objectives and Risk/Reward
  • Trading Verses Forecasting
  • Setup Your Trade Plan For the Week
  • Trade Plans and Trade Strategies
  • Your Path to Success
  • The Dynamic Trading Master Course Completion Certificate
  • Trading the Plan

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