Steve Nison & Ken Calhoun – Stock Trading Success System 14 DVD




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Steve Nison & Ken Calhoun – Stock Trading Success System 14 DVD

Learn from popular trading experts Steve Nison and Ken Calhoun in this downloadable stock trading video course, filmed at a live trading seminar!

RUNTIME: You get an astonishing 17 hours, 31 minutes of video downloads (16.5 Gb)!

Welcome aboard, new Stock Trading Success System owners! 

Active Traders! Discover The System That Gives You A Quick, Surprisingly Easy-To-Use Trading Edge!

“Accelerates Your Ability To Instantly Take Advantage Of Realtime Stock Market Plays… Revolutionary New ‘Triple CamTM Trading Technology Puts YOU In The Middle of The Market Action – So You Can Discover EXACTLY HOW To Capture Each Day’s Best Trades-Fast!” Steve Nisa Ken Calhoun



From Other Active Stock Traders Who Have Started Using Their Own Stock Trading Success Systems w/Ongoing Webinar Coaching:

Will You Be Our Next Winning Trader? See what some of our smart system owner traders are saying…:


“One gets the idea–shucks if those folks can do it –maybe–just maybe- there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
The course has given me a feeling of confidence —  the information about the candlestick chart reading using hourly charts for early trend changes was probably worth the entire cost of the course. Also if the stock had been in an up trend- it was probably about over–so it will possibly be a good time to expect a downturn. Fighting the market is not profitable.   The knowledge of when to get in and possibly out.
Education I was much in need of–and supplied very well by both Ken and Steve!”

Hal Morse
System Owner

“I really liked Ken and Steve’s implementation of the theory and Kens emphasis that this particular bit of information was IMPORTANT!
The top down methodology by following the market internals was also great. I don’t think too many new traders use that approach consistently.
I used to not wait for the best setups but rather go with setups tht were only marginal. This caused me a lot of extra work not to mention the extra commission expense.
Now I’m being ALOT more patient and only trading half the trades that I was doing prior.”

Ron Zebrowski
System Owner


DVD 1: How To Profit From Gaps & Breakouts 

Here’s Just a Small Sample of the Realtime Trading
Strategies You’ll Discover On DVD Volume 1…

  • For the first time ever, see exactly how to Prepare for each market’s open… and how to spot the best gap and premarket trading setups as you see this “Trading The Open” footage captured live on video (this practical footage reveals, in crystal-clear detail, exactly what types of charts to look for to spot intraday and swing trades, using realtime charts illustrated and explained for you, step by step).
  • “Trading The Open” Live Market Walkthroughs… This stunning footage walks you through an entire market open, from scanning through setting entry and exit triggers.. so so you can see how to trade from start to finish, using realtime charts in motion, captured in triple-cam immersion footage (no powerpoint!) .. All live markets – so you’ll learn in the most realistic way ever captured on video, for active traders.
  • How to Scan for Stocks, plus How to Set your Entries and Exits, before the market opens. This step by step “blueprint” shows you exactly what you need to look for, and how to get ready for trading, before the open.  Then we walk you through the entire market open, so you can see how we set triggers and follow up with LIVE realtime charts in motion, captured in triple-cam immersion footage.  It’s just like being in a live trading floor, captured so you can learn how to trade the market open, one trade at a time!

DVD Volume 2: How To Set Entries And Exits

Here’s You Can See A Handful of the Realtime Trading
Strategies You’ll Discover On DVD Volume 2…

  • In this video, you’ll learn exactly how to improve your ability to set your entry and exit triggers.   Watch as traders are first shown how to set entries using live realtime charts, then see the amazing “you make the call” footage — as traders are called upon to make their trading entry and exit calls in realtime!
    Over a dozen traders quickly get corrected in how and where to set the right entries, and how to manage exits and risk/reward, using realtime charts, unfolding live right before your eyes.
    You’ll never trade the same way again, after seeing what all-too-common errors real traders make “in the heat of battle“, during live markets.  And how to fix them.   It’s seeing it all using realtime market examples, and traders’ reactions, that makes it so valuable.   Plus you’ll even see a special “traders’ discipline” video!
    Plus you’ll see how to correctly set entry and exit triggers.  You get to see all the charts and live time & sales patterns captured in shockingly vivid color, captured in stunning detail so you can instantly sharpen your entry and exits skills — fast!
  • In the “Traders Conquering Live Markets” footage, you’ll also go “behind the scenes” as we peek over traders’ shoulders and help them see how to trade realtime markets.  Plus you’ll see all the goals and trading expectations our traders had at the start of this historic event – priceless footage that can help you trade more successfully!

DVD 3: Planning Your PROFITS: Hidden Signals

Take a Look At Just A Few Of the Realtime Trading
Strategies You’ll Discover On DVD Volume 3…

  • In “Nison Trading Principles” part 1, Steve reveals the same strategies he uses for his institutional clients! These include importance of trend, avoiding mistakes made by most who use candles and how to analyze the risk-reward of a trade. He also details how – depending on market context — the same candle signal should be used to place a new trade while at other times it should be used to offset a trade.Plus you’re about to watch interactive Q&A with traders in realtime markets to “bring it all home” in a way never seen before.
  • Discover how to trade candles by viewing the little-known signals that you’ll see in current market conditions. Steve reveals the one key rule that will truly help you zoom past your competition. Steve also shows you exactly what to do — the stunning new specific tactics you can use yourself — to tell how intraday candle patterns must be traded differently than on daily charts (this alone is worth the price of the system!).
  • You have a candlestick signal—now what do you do? Steve shows you 18 interactive charts to test and refine what you have learned. See when to buy, sell or stand aside. It’ll help you gain confidence and mastery for when to trade – and when not to.  Think of the difference that knowing these practical trading tactics can potentially make to your bottom line as a trader!

DVD 4: Wall Street’s Secrets: Winning In Realtime Markets 

See For Yourself, This Sample of the Realtime Trading
Strategies You’ll Discover On DVD Volume 4…

  • Traders Choose The Markets – Captured LIVE!   Traders ask Steve for his realtime “hard-hitting” trade analysis on 10 markets. After carefully analyzing each nuance of the markets and stocks (using daily and intraday charts) through his eyes, Steve then asks traders “what do they see” in realtime and how would they trade these markets.
  • The answers will astound you, as you learn how we brought our entry and exit signals into sharper focus, with crystal-clear chart examples.  It’s a perfect way to learn!
  • Setting Entries and Exits!  In this hands-on “trader clinic” section, Ken works with traders by pulling up live market charts and helping them decide exactly where to enter, where to exit, and how to manage their trading decisions from start to finish.
  • Knowing exactly when to pull the trigger (and which charts to skip entirely) is the main takeaway from this stunning trader training segment… you’ll see dozens of chart example analyses, comments, and “marking out” of entry and exit points on actual charts as they unfold on video, during realtime markets.
    It’s a sensational way to see our entry and exit techniques, as Ken gently corrects traders’ mistakes in where they initially thought they should enter positions, carefully explained with clear examples.

DVD 5: Trader’s “Breakout Blueprint” for Successful Trades 

Your Breakout Blueprint Awaits… See These
Actual Realtime Trading Strategies You’re About To
Discover On DVD Volume 5…

  • Trading Success Flowchart: To help you “map out how we look for trades” ahead of time, you’ll unlock the little-known advanced trading tactics needed to pinpoint common trading problem areas, visually, and then look for ways to improve them faster than ever before.   In this “step by step walkthrough”, you’ll discover how to easily map out your most important trading process steps ahead of each day’s opening bell, designed to help you make better trading decisions.
  • Reality Cam — Traders “Game Plans For Trading“: Now that you’ve learned how to create a “success map” for the morning’s trades, join us on location as our video team takes you on a journey with realtime traders, as they create their own visual trading “how-to” maps.Watch as Ken coaches traders in what to do correctly, as he helps them in this amazing “over the shoulder” point-of-view footage at the actual event.  It puts you squarely in the middle of the excitement, as our traders unlock winning strategies!
  • Traders Improvement Areas: You’ll gain special insights into “what traders need to improve the most in”, as you watch our traders, as they explain exactly what they need to do a better job of in their trading.This candid, live footage debunks many of the myths that most traders deal with in their trading… Plus you’ll gain valuable, immediately useful trading insights from Ken as he facilitates this “open roundtable” of the challenges facing traders, and how to potentially overcome trouble areas.This special section literally “sets the stage” for the astonishing training that these fortunate traders were about to experience for themselves…and now you can join them on their journey as they unlock the hands-on realtime trading tactics every active trader has got to experience and see for themselves.

DVD 6: Traders’ Live “HOT SEATS”: Turning Traders Into Tigers 

Here’s How “Hot Seats” Help… See the Realtime Trading
Strategies You’ll Discover On DVD Volume 6…

  • Trader “Hot Seats” Part I:  This unique approach helps redefine how to quickly solve your most challenging trading problems, in just minutes.  It’s not for the faint of heart.  It’s for traders who need to “cleanse” their brains of all the stop-causing, trade-missing errors and screwups that stand in their way of becoming successful as a trader.
    These revolutionary new “Hot Seat” activities have our (nervous at first!) traders bring their toughest trading challenges up “onstage” for everyone to help solve… Watch with your jaw dropping open in amazement, as our traders courageously lay their biggest problems out in plain sight for everyone… and they were the brave, lucky ones..
    Then our eager traders worked together as a team to quickly brainstorm the answers — to deliver practical, immediately useful solutions!   You may even see some of your own personal trading habits and challenges “ripped apart” — and fixed ultra-fast — by all of the traders together in this amazing “Mastermind Group”.   And now you can join them!
    With Steve and Ken’s help, the traders who were fortunate enough to “get a piece of the action” in their own personal “Hot Seats” saw our very best tips and tactics revealed.  It’s yet another trading industry first, and it’s yours exclusively in your Stock Trading Success System!
  • Premarket Gap Trading:  Now we take it back to examples of “gap stocks” during the open, as Ken facilitates this premarket realtime trading plan for you, with all of the traders.   You’ll watch as we go through each morning’s gaps, and you’ll learn exactly what to do by watching closely.Discover how to set specific entry price points using our tactics, plus how to scan in the premarket, from among all the day’s stocks, which stock charts meet our criteria for trading opportunities — and how to set entries for them.   You’ll also learn our famous rapid “drill down” tactic, where you’ll look at the sectors and market indices to help you craft a specific, well-defined trading plan for each morning’s open.

DVD 7: Rapid-Fire “Crash Course” For Trading LIVE Markets

Take a Fascinating Look at all the Step by Step Trading
Strategies You’ll Discover On DVD Volume 7…

  • Trading The Open Day 2 Intro: In this important “immersion” video, you’ll unlock our top trading signals we look for as the market opens.   You’ll learn the key pivot times, patterns, and how to use tape-reading and other core trading tactics, illustrated with live realtime examples using our “triple cam” video system footage… so you can rapidly see our tactics for how to manage trades from start to finish during the first half hour of the market open.
  • Trading The Open Day 2 Main Session: In this video immersion session, you’ll walk through an entire market open, from start to finish … from the time the opening bell rings at 9:30 (ding! ding!) through the entire first hour, you’ll be watching along with Ken and the other traders as you see exactly how to approach your trading during the opening hour.You’ll be on the edge of your seat, as you follow along and see exactly what timing, scanning and entry/exit skills and signals to use the very next time you’re trading the markets.This is the first time ever that an entire market open session has been captured on three video cameras like this, and you’ll want to watch it over and over again, to study every nuance, every tactical trading signal, and how we like to make specific trading decisions based on what the market’s doing — illustrated with realtime market charts — so you can see Steve Nison and Ken Calhoun work together to train you, captured on DVD so you can follow along!

DVD 8: Trading Dynamics: Advanced Strategies

Now For The First Time Ever, Unlock these Pro Trading
Strategies You’ll Discover On DVD Volume 8…

  • Trading “Tactical Checklist” Part I: For the first time ever, Steve reveals the exact questions you need to ask before placing a trade. In this section he covers support/resistance and trend – including using market trend to know when to “set up a trade” and using different time frames.  *World Exclusive Steve Nison Release*
  • Bonus Section: Quiz Charts!  Using actual proprietary charts from Steve’s institutional Wall Street clients, he details the very same step by step analysis he’s used with them.. In fact, Steve even shows his famous “If…Then” scenarios, PLUS how to adapt to changing market conditions – what he calls “being a market chameleon”.  Killer stuff… by participating in each “quiz” as Steve reveals it, you’ll see how you should react as a trader, and sharpen your entry and exit skills, gaining new confidence in your trades.
  • Advanced Trading Signals: this revealing video shows you what types of signals that are popular with experienced traders.  This is important because it can help you learn the very same tactics that we like best for spotting potential entries and exits.

DVD 9: Traders’ “Survivors’ Guide”

Are You A “Market Survivor”?  See ‘Transformational’ Trading Tactics You’ll Discover On DVD Volume 9…

  • “You Make The Call” with Steve Nison: Using all-new *live* realtime market charts of their choice, traders determine – first on their own and then ask for Steve’s insights – whether they should buy, sell or stand aside…
    The traders were able to see exactly how to trade based on “hidden signals” Steve shows them in the candle charts — and it is simply astonishing.  And you’ll learn it, too. Using daily and intraday charts, our brave traders look at various risk/reward scenarios with Steve’s help, to hone in on the exact same trading signals that were being taught.  Just imagine what acquiring this “tactical trading knowledge” can potentially do for your knowledge of how to trade!
  • Reality Cam: or, Traders Gone Wild!  Using all the trading techniques they’ve learned so far, traders now “go to work” putting it to use by pulling up exciting live-market trading charts on their laptops.  Our “reality cam” videographer was there capturing every valuable minute for you — giving you a first-person look over the shoulder of these traders, along with Steve and Ken, as they worked together as a team, to use trend, support and resistance, convergence and risk/ reward to figure out exactly where to identify entries and exits for trading setups during live markets.  A trading industry first!
  • Intraday Trading Bonus: Geared especially for traders who use normally only use daily charts, you’ll discover exactly how to identify the “precision” insights that intraday charts can add to your trading arsenal!  These can quickly show you you buy/sell signalsthat aren’t on the daily charts (this is useful because it can potentially show you signals before other traders see them, if you know how to use them correctly!)  Steve shows you how to identify entries and exits using intraday charts…. and by not having to wait for a close on a daily chart, you can get daily candle signals “ahead of the crowd” that uses only daily charts.  Very practical!

DVD 10: Top Traders’ Tactics You Never Knew Existed

Here You’ll See An Insider’s Look at the Realtime Trading
Strategies You’ll Discover On DVD Volume 10…

  • “You Make The Call – Part II”: In this stunning “think on your feet” market section traders make actual calls on charts (and markets) of their choice.. as they’re happening in realtime.   Then they “give it their best shot”, as they excitedly give Steve their ideas on how they would trade — and ask for Steve’s expert help and “course corrections” to fine tune their entries and exits… it’s a remarkable way to learn the “mechanics” of real-time trading calls in action!
    Based on Steve’s rapid-fire answers, traders learn Steve’s #1 favorite oscillator, when (and when not to) sell an overbought stock.. PLUS:  you’ll see *exactly* how to tell if a stock is losing momentum at support or resistance and how to find support and resistance using both daily and intraday candle charts.   All illustrated using realtime charts in live markets — Steve he shows you exactly what to trade, and how to enter and exit your positions!
  • Trading Success Checklist:  Wrapping up his “Questions You Must Ask Before Placing Your Next Trade” section Steve reveals the one reason most traders fail, and what to do about it. He then gives you four types of stops that every trader needs to add to their arsenal (including trailing and time stops). He then delves into when to trade on the open, rather than waiting for the close – as is done by most candle traders.  This is an important edge that every active trader can discover how to use… now here on video!Finally, you’ll see the secrets of how you can literally “fine tune” your price targets based on new price information revealed by specific trading setups… All designed to help you see our top trading signals!
  • Traders Conquering Live Markets — Hot Seats Part II: Traders bring their toughest trading challenges up “onstage” for everyone to help solve… You may identify with these all-too-common issues, plus get candid, practical advice from other traders for how to solve them.  Steve and Ken also provide advanced coaching help, so you’ll learn the latest strategies for making improvements to your trading skills and overcoming problems, quickly.
  • Intraday Bonus Part II:  In this extra video, you’ll discover how to use intraday chart charts to see not only if there are earlier trading signals than those shown on the daily charts, but also how you can easily use intraday candles to determine how important support or resistance levels are.  Plus, you’ll see how to best combine western signals with candles to help you see the signals we’re showing you how to use.

DVD 11: Power Trading Strategies: How To Spot Winning Trades

Put New Power Into Your Trading With the Realtime Trading Strategies You’ll Discover On DVD Volume 11…

  • You Make The Call, Part II:  Join Ken and our team of traders as they make actual live entry and exit calls as the charts relentlessly march on during two days of realtime markets!  You’ll find yourself penciling in notes in the margins of the chart pdfs (included), as you quickly discover exactly what trading signals make for winning trades, along with specific entry and exit triggers.   It’s our favorite way to make corrections to trading entries and exits — and now you can see how it works on video!
  • How To Set Entries and Exits — Test YOUR Knowledge: Using real world case studies Steve mercilessly “grills” our hapless traders on exactly why they would (or wouldn’t) buy or sell a stock.   You’ll gain remarkable clarity of thinking in your trades, as you see Steve answer every one of our trader’s toughest questions..You’ll watch answers happen, as Steve answers their toughest questions (with examples) such as “Where should they place their stops? What is their target?  Would they trade on the open?”  Then, after getting the traders’ thoughts, Steve quickly sets them straight as he deftly corrects their trading tactics with world-class trading strategies, revealed here for you to learn from — fast!
  • Where Would YOU Trade These Stocks?  Steve “pulls back the curtain” as he reveals to you an in-depth professional look at exactly how he evaluates potential trade set ups (kind of like a tiger, stalking his prey – in the live markets). You’ll never use candles the same way again, once you see the “big picture”, as well as the specifics, of how Steve looks at the most potent candle signals in the context of current markets.To help you potentially avoid taking costly stop-outs, Steve also explains how to avoid buying at resistance (including the not-so-obvious signals that cost unknowing traders a bundle in wrong trade entries that stop out unexpectedly!).   You’ll also see exactly when to take action on (plus when to ignore) doji when they appear.Plus, when to take a “wait and see” careful market stance — and when to pull the trigger on a trade.  All yours, in “triple-cam immersion trading video” footage that makes it easier than ever to learn how to trade our top trading setups!

DVD 12: Taking Action Today: Your Trading “Success Accelerators”

Zoom Past The Competition Once You Get These
“Immersion Environment” Action Trading Strategies
Revealed On DVD Volume 12…

  • Trader Action Plans:  You’re about to watch how our traders put all they learned in this rapid-fire course into action, as you see how to create your own action plan, to help you actually use everything you’ve been learning so far.  It’s a great way to make sure you gain the most from learning all of our combined techniques.
    Besides, we believe that taking action by using a well-developed, specific plan is a great approach for trading. You’ll learn how in this section, revealed in step by step video for you to follow along with.
  • Using Intraday Signals With Swingtrades:   Many swing traders completely overlook the power of adapting intraday momentum trading signals to help improve the odds of their swing trades becoming successful.In this bonus video, you’ll learn exactly what signals we like to use to confirm trading entries before each swing trading entry.Designed specifically to help swing traders avoid choppy entries, and instead select the very strongest charts to trade by combining a few easy-to-use day trading signals with swing trading charts, these tactics are sure to become a valued part of your trading arsenal.  This is the first time these proprietary setups have been released to the general trading public… now yours as part of your Stock Trading Success System.

Here for the Whole Story (this is good)

From: Steve Nison
and Ken Calhoun
Tuesday, 10:27 a.m.

Dear Active Trader,

If you’re an active stock trader who’s ever wanted to see the “inner workings” of trading live market charts in realtime…. while confidently seeing our very best trading methods — then this will be the most exciting messages you’ll read all year… and here’s why:

Now for the first time ever, you’ll “watch the action” happen in front of your very eyes, as you rapidly learn how we spotted realtime chart breakouts, during two complete full-day trading market sessions, all carefully captured in crystal-clear video…

This powerful new system is unlike any other EVER released, because for the first time ever, it captures HOW to use the candle patterns and professional western active trading skills with live “in motion” charts.   It’s designed specifically for BOTH swing traders and intraday stock traders.

We captured every single nuance of how to trade, step-by-step, for two LIVE market days, using actual market charts as they unfolded, candle by candle, trade by trade, so you can actually see how to trade the patterns yourself with real time market examples.

Think of it as the “missing link” that you need to see for street-smart genuine trading skills, explained with easy-to-understand actual charts in action.

This is the essential “see it in action with live markets” you need to take your trading skills to the next level. It’s designed as a virtual “live NASDAQ/NYSE trading floor” experience, to help you use the patterns to react and manage trades for real.

You’ve never seen these techniques before, anywhere else — because we wanted to show you all-new trading strategies illustrated with actual markets. It reveals how to COMBINE the best of Steve’s amazing candle patterns with Ken’s strongest professional breakout “tape reading” and swing trading tactics, applied to realtime stock charts as they happen!

And the best part is, it’s explained step by step to you, so you’ll learn exactly how to trade live markets, chart by chart.  It’s just like being there in person with us as we coach you with “markets in motion”!   This is crucial to helping you not only understand what the patterns are, but how we actually look for trading entries in a live market situation.      For both swing and intraday trading…

We reveal everything you need to confidently discover our top trading tactics, all illustrated from start to finish…

In fact, you’ll now know exactly what to look for the next time you put on a trade, using actual market entry and exit training from two complete days worth of live markets… never-before-seen, rare live market footage “deconstructed” in front of you to learn from.

Many traders who’ve come to us for training usually just trade with one trading method… either they’ll use Japanese Candlesticks, or Western technical indicators like volume breakouts.  But there’s a smarter way to trade…

How To “Fight Back” In the Epic Battle Between Us Regular Traders and Wall Street’s Specialists & Market Makers

Here’s the story:

Now for the first time ever, you’ll get to see how these two “Trading Generals” combine the very best of both worlds using realtime market examples, to take you by the hand and lead you to smashing victory in the stock market…

It arms you with the best of the East and the West — every single pattern and technique you need to trade stocks using our favorite trading patterns.

Now in the Stock Trading Success System, you’ll ‘hit the ground running’ and you join us as you learn how to trade by watching all the proprietary entry & exit trading chart examples shown on video.

It’s extremely valuable to see all these well-explained patterns illustrated with realtime examples, as we reveal dozens of the same ‘East meets West’ trading entry and exit signals that veteran traders use to manage huge trades…

Wall Street’s best traders know how to enter and exit their trades with precision and confidence — and thanks to this system, now you can see how we approach trading entries and exits , too!

The system fully exposes new hidden “buy and sell” trading signals you can use, by seeing actual charts as they moved in each day’s markets!
And there’s more:

Why did we produce a new 12-DVD system that features realtime trading examples, and explains live entries and exits?

Because traders are now clamoring for even more “how to” trading techniques.  You’ve told us that now you want to see the timing skills you need, plus how to actually set entries and exits using realtime charts “in motion”…

And that’s what Stock Trading Success System delivers, to potentially accelerate your trading knowledge faster than ever before, while handing you all the “shortcut secrets” you need to understand our favorite patterns…

You can also see the techniques we reveal that are designed to help you think about your trades like a veteran trader does, after seeing all the advanced tactics you’ll be learning as we reach deep into our trading “bag of tricks” to show you the patterns and live trading setups…

And this “best of the East and the West” team fought through the markets, in a fully interactive two-plus trading days with our traders, to show you our favorite specific entry and exit tactics — and now it’s your turn to see how we approach the markets, too …

What you’re going to see is actual trader reactions that might shock you… our traders were so enthusiastic about what they learned, you may be surprised at their responses in the “live market trading floor” environment we custom-designed for them — and now you can see it for yourself on DVD!These traders were privy to some of the most advanced trading techniques ever seen, as Steve and Ken deftly “worked the markets” in front of these astonished traders…

You’re about to see realtime, raw, hands-on step by step trading charts at they’re very best.  All captured in crystal-clear, shockingly successful trading video footage.   And there’s more…

This is a rare opportunity to take a sneak peek at an event that was held behind closed doors and grab the trading secrets that have never been exposed to the public before…

The Amazing “Before-After” Transformation

See how we took a hesitant, confused bunch of traders (some new, some very experienced)… and taught them our best patterns and strategies …in just hours.

YES — it was intense step by step training (some would even say vicious to the trading psyche of those present)…but afterwards, they were trained — in a great way.

It’s a breakthrough “new-technology” approach in active trader education…. And it’s unlike any other video training you’ve ever seen…

We even had one of our cameramen go from trader to trader throughout the two full day trading experience…so you can fully capture the trading tactics of being there live in person in realtime… without the staggering admission ticket fees each member of this hand-selected group of traders eagerly paid to secure their seat…

… and without the expenses and time involved in airfare and travel, paying for a hotel room, and without taking two or three days out of your busy schedule.  Makes it easy to learn… here’s how:

We hired an extra cameraman so that you’ll be able to spy “over the shoulder” of each of our traders as they were learning, and instantly seeing, the trading secrets exposed here and revealed behind closed doors to this small group of people…

This bonus “Reality Trader Cam” footage is priceless; it’s like being there in person yourself!

So that you will be able to see it actually being done in front of you, so you can learn faster…. accelerate your learning process instantly and see exactly what trading setups worked— and which didn’t (and why!)

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