Zarak – Direct Response Millionaire Playbook




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Zarak – Direct Response Millionaire Playbook

Learn To Speak 
The Secret Language Of Money

And Become One Of The Rare Marketers Who Prints Millions Of Dollars In PROFIT Each Year… 

Read this short letter to learn:

  • 9 Figure Direct Response Marketing Secrets from some of the biggest names you’ve NEVER heard of (the GHOSTS behind your favorite direct marketing campaigns that print 3M/month)…
  • Step by step, how to beat any control and turn a business from in the red to in the green, no matter if it’s an email, advertorial, VSL, landing page, upsell, video ads, or a long form letter…
  • Split Test Mastery – how to effectively swipe and run front and backend split tests for MAXIMUM profit (PLUS: how to come up with new ideas that will add thousands to your bottom line)
  • Hybrid DR/eCom 101 – landing pages, emails, and the 6 figure product launch strategy for eCom brands (WITHOUT paid ads)…
  • Long Form Copywriting –  learn the A – Z on writing long form VSLs/TSLs in ANY niche, straight from one of the best long form writers on the planet (whose words have grossed over 65M.)
  • Upsell profit printing – discover the simple structure behind 8 figure upsells and the exact template to swipe it.
  • “E.P.I.C” Storytelling Framework – the simple, 4 step storytelling system behind multiple top offers and 100M in online sales…
  • The Two-Pronged Approach To Market Research – separate yourself from the competition by making calculated decisions like a PRO marketer. This is the difference between offers that scale, and offers that flop.

RE: The Shadow Society Behind The Top Marketing Campaigns

As you read this, there’s a small “Shadow Society” of internet biz owners generating HUNDREDS of millions of dollars per year…


And no – they aren’t involved in SaaS.

They aren’t concerned with ‘branding’.

And they DEFINITELY aren’t running VC backed, ‘normie’ eCom brands that fail to turn a profit no matter how hard they try.

No, this “Shadow Society” consists of the copywriters behind 8 & 9 figure controls…

Founders of BILLION dollar publishing company’s, like Agora, Golden Hippo, and BioTRUST…

Elusive affiliate marketers, driving hundreds of thousands dollars in profit per day off of cold-traffic sales letters…

Genius copywriters working behind the scenes for your favorite celebrities including Mike Tyson & Jordan Belfort…

And top converting offer owners, some of whom do MILLIONS per day (yes, millions)…

These are the money ghosts behind the biggest marketing campaigns of all time. 

And as an everyday online business owner…

You’ve probably caught wind of a top converting offer on clickbank that’s doing a few million per day…

Or you’ll hear of moonshot offers taking a normal guy to a 9 figure LIQUID net worth…

And if you know where to look, you may even find the long form VSL scripts that these copywriters use to convert thousands of buyers per day…

But even then…

This “Shadow Society” is inaccessible to the average marketer.

And that is by design.

Think about it…

Why would a top affiliate want you to know which ad set converts best for them?

And why would a copywriter, who’s raking in 6 figures profit per month off of a blackhat offer, want to teach you about what he does?

You don’t even know where to start…

And most importantly…

You don’t know how you can implement these “Shadow Society” principles into your OWN business…

That’s why we’ve brought you this short letter.

We’re going to bridge the gap between YOU and this “Shadow Society”.

But before we do that…

Allow Us To Introduce Ourselves, And Explain Why This Could Be The Most Impactful Letter You’ll Ever Read (For Your Bottom Line)

See this guy here?

That’s me.

My name’s Zarak.

You may know me as the 13th best copywriter of 2023.

Or you know me from Twitter.

OR, you might be subscribed to my private newsletter, The Copy Council.

But while my name might be new to you…

You probably know the brands that pay me to run their marketing campaigns. 

That’s right.

I’ve sold over 30 million US dollars of inventory for your favorite direct response companies and eCommerce brands through my email list management agency.

I’ve put together long form sales letters that brought in millions of dollars on their own.

I’ve managed email lists for companies making millions of dollars per month, and managed to double, sometimes TRIPLE revenue.

And I’ve worked closely with some of the best internet marketers alive…

  • Like the direct mentee of Mark Ford, marketing genius and founder of billion dollar Agora…
  • The man behind the original “Island Where People Forget To Die” promo, an 8 figure hit piece that changed the DR industry for good…
  • Peter Tzemis, best-selling-author, founder of Supplement Millionaire, The Marketing Genius behind Jordan Belfort, Owner of Pup Labs, and Beat Your Control…
  • And countless seven, eight, and nine figure ‘ghosts’ that I can’t name…

But don’t just take my word for it.

Here’s what some of the industry’s best had to say about me:

“Zarak is one of the hidden gems of the DR copy world.” 

– Peter Tzemis, 9 Figure DR Veteran, Founder of PupLabs, Slim Sciences, Supplement Millionaire & Hot Guys Do Therapy

“He knows how to make readers buy products – plain and simple.” 

– Doug D’Anna, $100 Million Dollar Industry Veteran

“Zarak is a truly gifted creative and is also profoundly solid in his marketing ability.”

– Ian C, Founder of 8 figure DR supplement brand

That’s me, Peter Tzemis.

And you probably don’t know me.

That’s because for 9 years, I’ve played behind the scenes of some of the biggest direct response campaigns on the internet…

Like Inbound Closer, which did 2M/month for 18 months straight…

Multiple 8 and 9 figure brands like Think & Grow Rich: The Movie, SuperFat, and Science Natural Supplements…

Or even celebrities like Jordan Belfort, who trust me to architect their 100k-PROFIT-in-3-days email strategy.

Of course, I also have 5 of my own brands, including Pup Labs which has grown from 0-200k/month in 6 months…

And my mastermind Supplement Millionaire, where our members have sold upwards of 148M online

We say NONE of this to brag, but simply to show you that we know what we’re talking about. 

ESPECIALLY when it comes to long form copywriting…

Scaling offers & B2B service businesses…

And beating controls.

Peter and I have personally driven over $129,232,457 in combined online sales.

And we learnt everything we know from the “Shadow Society” of aggressive marketers that I mentioned earlier on.

When we saw how little the average DTC operator knew about this “Shadow Society” of direct response operators…

We KNEW we had to fill in the void.

Because if we could get this information to people like you…

Then everyone (including us – we aren’t saints willing to give this stuff away from free)…

Would make more money and serve more customers.

Because the truth is, the tide raises all ships. 

When one business does well, it floods the market with new customers. 

There’s NO competition. 

Let me explain…

Customers love to buy from multiple brands. You do it too.

Do you only buy one brand of clothing?

Or from one supplement company?

Or heck, one course from one guru on internet marketing and business?

Sure you might like one guru or brand more than another.

But overtime, you’ll purchase from a few different ones. I do it. Zarak does it.

Everyone does it.

And the truth is, over time, everyone shares the same customer.

There is no competition. Only collaboration.

And we knew that if Zarak and I could bridge the gap between the shadow society and everyone else…

Then everyone (including us) would make more money.

Nobody loses.

So we set to work.

*Back to Zarak

Over the course of 60 days, Peter and I mapped out more than 31 different topics on modern day direct response marketing…

Recorded videos and wrote lessons on each topic (based on our individual strengths)…

And included live case studies and breakdowns…

We created what might be the most valuable modern-day direct response marketing resource on the internet.

We were sat on tens of thousands of dollars of direct-response marketing GOLD…

Lessons from a combined 13 YEARS and $129M of experience in direct response…

Upsell templates, VSLs and landing pages of some of the biggest campaigns in history that you can swipe and deploy in your own business.

Our original plan was to release it as a community, and scale it to hundreds of thousands of members who pay a monthly fee…

Leaving pretty much every other online marketing community/course/program REDUNDANT…

But we changed our minds. 

Peter and I both have bigger fish to fry.

($1MM profit per month fish and 100M exits)

So we trashed the community idea…

And repackaged the content into a one time offer that we’re now calling…

“The Direct Response Millionaire Playbook”

Timeless Direct Response Marketing Profit15 Principles To Scale Your Online Business To 7 Figures And Beyond In 2023

Over 31 video courses with written transcripts and real life examples on:

  • Email copywriting for info-products, with swipes, templates, and how to find the hottest converting emails…
  • Writing impactful, attention grabbing headlines and leads that literally force your customers to take out their wallets and give you their money (for long form sales letters, VSLs, landing pages)…
  • Bullet points & fascinations – how to write widely profitable bullet points, with 47 exact templates used by elite direct response marketers of the shadow society
  • eCom email copywriting: the campaigns, copy, strategy, and deliverability tactics to print money in your own business or for clients
  • Step by step how to write shadow society direct response emails that drive thousands of CLICKS to your offers (these emails and their structures have sold 10s of millions online, and you get it all)
  • Conversion cinematography: The real secret sauce for 9 figure VSLs and video ads. When done correctly, these strategies alone have made me an extra 1m/month
  • The 4 step EPIC storytelling framework for your sales letters and VSL scripts that’s responsible for over 75M in sales and some of clickbank’s biggest offers…
  • Unique mechanisms – how to put a unique and novel spin on ANY product so that you can stand out from the market and acquire customers who pay you more (even if you have the exact same product as someone else who sells for less)
  • The daily money printing exercise you can use to become a GREAT copywriter in just 60 days (less than 1 hour per day)…
  • Step by step, how to overcome any objections that a potential buyer might have and write a high converting CLOSE. Do this wrong, and you’ll destroy an entire campaign… but get it right and you’ll have a money machine better than winning the lottery.
  • Split testing 101: How to test, what to test, and how to find new test ideas from the shadow society. This is the secret sauce no one talks about, and is the real difference between making 6 figures and 8 figures and beyond.
  • 8 figure templates for YouTube ads, Facebook ads, advertorials, Hybrid eCom ‘Direct Response’ landing pages, emails, VSLs and more!
  • The 100k/day product launch strategy for eCommerce health brands…
  • LIVE, line by line, breakdowns of winning long form marketing campaigns that have grossed 10M+…
  • How to write upsells that get 30%+ take rates…
  • Where to source the shadow society’s best scaling offers so you can study and swipe them.
  • Deliverability 101: How to stop hitting the spam folder (for email marketers) and DOUBLE your email sales
  • How to acquire eCom, info, and direct response clients as a freelancer or agency owner…
  • Step by step how Peter build’s his businesses to exit (this allowed him to sell his first company at 22)
  • Frequently Asked Questions:

    1. Innovative Business Model:
      • Embrace the reality of a genuine business! Our approach involves forming a group buy, where we collectively share the costs among members. Using these funds, we purchase sought-after courses from sale pages and make them accessible to individuals facing financial constraints. Despite potential reservations from the authors, our customers appreciate the affordability and accessibility we provide.
    2. The Legal Landscape: Yes and No:
      • The legality of our operations falls into a gray area. While we lack explicit approval from the course authors for resale, there’s a technicality at play. When procuring the course, the author didn’t specify any restrictions on resale. This legal nuance presents both an opportunity for us and a boon for those seeking budget-friendly access.
    3. Quality Assurance: Unveiling the Real Deal:
      • Delving into the heart of the matter – quality. Acquiring the course directly from the sale page ensures that all documents and materials are identical to those obtained through conventional means. However, our differentiator lies in going beyond personal study; we take an extra step by reselling. It’s important to note that we are not the official course providers, meaning certain premium services aren’t included in our package:
        • No coaching calls or scheduled sessions with the author.
        • No access to the author’s private Facebook group or web portal.
        • No entry to the author’s exclusive membership forum.
        • No direct email support from the author or their team.

      We operate independently, aiming to bridge the affordability gap without the additional services offered by official course channels. Your understanding of our unique approach is greatly appreciated.

    Refund is acceptable:

    • Firstly, item is not as explained
    • Secondly, Item do not work the way it should.
    • Thirdly, and most importantly, support extension can not be used.

    Thank you for choosing us! We’re so happy that you feel comfortable enough with us to forward your business here.

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