Bedros Keuilian – Fitness Info Blueprint




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Bedros Keuilian – Fitness Info Blueprint

From: Bedros Keuilian
Dear Success Minded Friend,
Fitness and fat loss are in big demand – more than ever.
But, only one thing is in greater demand… information that teaches fitness and fat loss to the masses and that’s where you stand to make a LOT of money IF you know the blueprint for creating, marketing, and selling fitness info products on the internet.
I’m about to show you how you can take your idea, package it up, sell it online and make a nice side income (that can rival what your making as a personal trainer).
I should know, I’ve done it myself and I’ve helped hundreds of fitness professionals take their fitness info product ideas online.
So keep reading, because what you’re about to discover is stuff that you probably couldn’t get from a $2,500 “how to” product that the big internet marketing experts sell.
A little story…
See, information marketing has made me, my friends, and many of my coaching clients a boatload of money…
…on top of that it’s allowed us to literally reach hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world and help them achieve their dreams of getting fit, eating better, losing fat, and making more money.
And the best part is that our bank accounts are filling up with money twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, even in the middle of the night while we’re sound asleep.
In fact, let me share something with you that I’ve NEVER publicly shared with anyone…

Here’s my morning ritual…
I have a human alarm clock, two of them actually, and each morning at about 7:30 they crawl into bed with my wife and me and eventually manage to wake me up.
After hanging in bed with my kids for a few minutes I reach for my iPhone, head downstairs to make coffee, and when I open up my emails on my iPhone this is what I see first.
I love seeing thousands of dollars come into my bank account in the middle of the night while I was asleep. There’s nothing more comforting than waking up to money and knowing that you’re helping thousands of people achieve their goals.
See, people all over the world are searching for solutions on the internet and it’s just a matter of getting your product in front of people searching for it. And when you do, the money starts to flow in each and every day like an automatic cash machine.

And Now I Want To Help You Create and Market Your Online Fitness Info Product
I’ve got to be brutally honest with you. There are a ton of fitness and fat loss ebooks, DVDs, and memberships sites online right now and they will never make money…
… it’s not that these products suck in anyway. Most of them are probably good products that can deliver killer results – BUT THERE ARE THREE BIG PROBLEMS WITH MOST INFO PRODUCTS and that’s why most are destined to fail…

  1. No one is finding your product. See if your info product can’t be found online, then it can’t be sold. Simply putting up a website with a shopping cart attached is NOT gonna make you sales. If you already have a product up then you might know what I’m talking about.
  2. No one is buying your product. Even if you’re getting decent traffic to your website, the odds are that you’re not selling enough info products to make any real money. This is the most frustrating part of all…. getting traffic, but no sales.
  3. No one is promoting or endorsing your product. Let’s face it, unless you can get affiliates to promote your fitness info product and send you a ton of qualified traffic, you’re probably not going to sell much of anything.

Look, before I figured all this stuff out. I struggled for years, made tons of mistakes, and lost a boat load of money on crappy websites, complicated shopping carts, search engines, online ads, and poor product development.
I guess you can say that I learned information marketing the EXPENSIVE way.
What’s taken some of my coaching clients only a few months to master, took me years and thousands of dollars flushed down the drain to figure out.
But things are different now.
Today I’ve got over twenty streams of online income…
… I’ve got the freedom to work from anywhere I want…
…and I get to do what I’m most passionate about – which is to help fitness trainers turn their passion into six figure (and even seven figure) businesses.

Do You Have An Idea For an Info Product?
If you have an idea for a fitness info product such as a workout DVD, an ebook, or even a membership site then I want to take you by the hand and teach you how to CREATE, MARKET, and SELL (a ton) of your info products on the internet.
Up until now I’ve only shared my info marketing blueprint with my coaching clients who pay me north of $12,000/year to get access to my mastermind meetings.
But I know that $12,000/year is way out of reach for most fitness trainers looking to take their fitness info product idea online.
And I know that unless you have a specific, step-by-step blueprint to follow you’re probably going end up like I did in the beginning – broke, frustrated, and overworked…
… and I don’t want to see that happen to you.
Like I said earlier, there’s a lot of money to be made online IF YOU KNOW THE FORMULA and follow the blueprint that I’ve create for you.
But I’m not gonna sell you hype. The truth is that you’re probably not going to make a thousand bucks a day right off the bat.
A-N-D you’re going to have to work the hardest in the beginning.
And you are going to have to step out of your comfort zone and do the things that I ask you to do, but when you do, you’ll probably start of making a couple hundred dollars a day, and in time it will grow and there’s nothing stopping you from making several hundred to a couple thousand dollars a day. I see it all the time

Introducing Fitness Info Blueprint
A four-module, step-by-step guided (by me) online study course designed to get you from idea to online sales in 60 days or less.

Here’s just a little bit of what you’re going to learn during this four module online training course with me…

  • The Secret to Creating the Perfect Product for Your Niche Market
  • How to Quickly Create Info Products that Your Market’s Starving For
  • How to Price Your Product for Maximum Sales and Profits
  • Identifying the Right Target Market and Finding a Starving Crowd
  • How to Attract Top Affiliates to Promote Your Product
  • How to Get Free Traffic From Google, Yahoo, Bing, Facebook and Twitter
  • Sneaky Places to Get Even More Traffic That 99% of Most Info Marketers Will Never Know
  • How to Be Super Productive and Get More Work Done in Two Hours Then Others do in a Day
  • Two Cheap and Reliable Resources To Find Web Designers, Programmers, Graphic Artists, Ghost Writers, Editors, and Virtual Assistances to Help You Get to
  • Massive Success Quickly
  • How to Create Continuity and Recurring Revenue Without Spending Thousands on Expensive Software
  • Building your sales website quickly, simply and without a lot of money
  • The Secret to Getting Tons of Testimonials and Social Proof on Your Website
  • The PROVEN Formula for Easily Creating Videos that Sell Products Day and Night
  • How to Position Yourself as a World Famous Fitness Expert and Guru
  • How to Make Easy Money Selling Other Fitness Info Products to Your List
  • How to Create Squeeze Pages and Lead generation Pages to Build a Massive List
  • The Secret to Crafting a Perfect Product Launch Every Time
  • Even launch your OWN product line if you want (Like supplements or exercise equipment)
  • How to Dominate Your Market Space and Lock Out Competitors For Good
  • Which Shopping Cart, Autoresponders, Video Players, and other Cool Technology To Use and Which Ones To Avoid Like the Plague.

This Time Around It’s Gonna Be Different…
Typically a program like this is sold as a set of DVDs along with some manuals for you to order and watch on your own time. But not this time…
Fitness Info Blueprint is different.
And the way you get it will be different.
And the way you study it will be different.
I’m that confident that you’re going to become an (almost) overnight online fitness info marketer and so I’m backing it up with this never before heard of guarantee.

Here’s What You’re Going to Get In the
Four Modules When You Register Today


  • How to choose a niche market that’s easy to reach and ready to buy.
  • How to create info products the easy way.
  • How to get others to help you create info products.
  • How to create your “avatar” and know your market’s biggest reason to buy.
  • Mindset strategies and tactics to overcome procrastination and move you to action.
  • How to create customers for life.
  • How to create multiple products at once.
  • How to price your products to generate multiple sales.
  • How to quickly and easily set up a sales site and squeeze page with little or no money.
  • How to easily script your sales message to get people into a buying frenzy.
  • How to deliver your product for maximum success (DVD, ebook, digital download, membership site).
  • The best shopping carts, email management and autoresponder platforms to use (and which ones to avoid).
  • Quick start and technology checklist.
  • The seven-step system for getting to six figures in your info business – FAST.


  • How to get your product on the most popular and high traffic marketplace ever.
  • How to research and select a profitable niche.
  • How to craft your sales copy to generate massive sales.
  • How to convey your marketing message and get boat loads of leads.
  • How to create lead generation reports, videos, and audio programs that get you traffic.
  • What the best up sell offer are and how to create them.
  • How to get people to buy from you over and over again.
  • How to get affiliate to want to promote your products.
  • How to quickly create squeeze pages with super high conversion rates.
  • The five steps for creating a high value offer and getting people to click your “add to cart” button.
  • Secrets for crafting killer headlines, sub headlines and post scripts.
  • How to get top affiliates to send you tons of traffic.
  • How to set up your shopping cart, autoresponder, and up sell systems. (And if you don’t want to do it yourself, I’ll show you how to outsource this stuff to others for dirt cheap.)


  • Ninja traffic-getting secrets that “average” internet marketers will never know.
  • How to get FREE targeted traffic from Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube.
  • Little known secrets for converting visitors into buyers.
  • How to set up a traffic generating blog in as little as two days.
  • Search engine marketing tactics to get you tons of targeted leads.
  • How to structure a product launch and create a buying frenzy.
  • How to easily create video blogs that create a deep bond with your tribe.
  • Seven ways to buy traffic for google, yahoo, a bing for wholesale.
  • How to automate your blog and make it a traffic sucking
  • How to get HIGH QUALITY traffic from search engines, social media sites, forums, and discussion groups ALL FOR FREE.
  • Under the radar search engine optimization tactics that will get your sales site and blog on the first page of google, yahoo, and bing.


  • Secrets to selling to the masses with email marketing.
  • How to craft your emails for massive response.
  • How to create killer email subject lines and get your emails opened.
  • The BIG list of email subject lines that have been proven to work for me and my clients.
  • How to build a massive email list that’s targeted, responsive, and loyal.

Here’s How This four module “I’ll hold you by the hand and guide you to massive success” Intensive Fitness Info Marketing Course Works…

The four modules are all in video format to make it easy for you to learn and apply. This is the most cutting edge content you will find on quickly creating a profitable fitness info marketing business.
This is a VERY hands on and involved program where you get direct access to information that will fast track you to success without any of the B.S. “filler content” that other programs have.
In fact the only other way you’d get information like this and access to me is by joining my info mastermind group which would cost you over $17,000 for an entire year. And in fact, my mastermind group is full and I’m not even taking on any new members at the moment.
But in this four module step-by-step program you’re going to learn everything you need to know to go from idea to actually selling your fitness info product online in only 60 days.

But Don’t Take My Word For It
Here’s what fitness professionals have to say about my info training programs…
“Fitness Info Blueprint and Bedros have helped me learn to shorten my learning curve, take the systems I’d been learning and turn them into coaching and info products in less time then I ever could do on my own.
The power of getting your products up faster is learning from what others have done before and not trying to reinvent the wheel all on your own. Info Product Blueprint and Bedros will help get you there faster than you could alone. So, take the path to fewer mistakes and quicker profit by using a system that gets you there. Info Product Blueprint is for action takes only, ball is in your court!”
Vito La Fata

“Fitness Info Blueprint has proven to be exactly what the title says. Through all of the coaching that Bedros provided I literally had a checklist of everything I needed to do to get started and have an info product ready to sell.
His knowledge of this business and his un-matched passion for helping people is the perfect combination to get you started. If you want to create a quality info product you’d be a fool not to
get Fitness Info Blueprint.”
Mike Inscho

“Bedros has done it again! I will be honest,I didn’t know anything about the online marketing world before I bought this product, I knew there was money to be made but I didn’t know how to launch a product or get top super affiliates to promote my online fitness programmes!
Thanks to great speakers such as Vince Delmonte,Craig Ballantyne, and the man himself Bedros, I now know how to
approach the top affiliates in the fitness industry and get them to help sell my products and gain continuity to my online
buisness. ”
Thanks Bedros!
Oliver Reynolds

“Although I have yet to launch an info product (I have several ideas brewing though), I have applied the concepts to my offline fitness business. These concepts of “building a tribe” have allowed me to take my company from $0 and the shirt off my back to multiple six-figure company in two years! Thanks Bedros and the rest of the Fitness Info Blue Print Team.”
C.J. Easter

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. Innovative Business Model:
    • Embrace the reality of a genuine business! Our approach involves forming a group buy, where we collectively share the costs among members. Using these funds, we purchase sought-after courses from sale pages and make them accessible to individuals facing financial constraints. Despite potential reservations from the authors, our customers appreciate the affordability and accessibility we provide.
  2. The Legal Landscape: Yes and No:
    • The legality of our operations falls into a gray area. While we lack explicit approval from the course authors for resale, there’s a technicality at play. When procuring the course, the author didn’t specify any restrictions on resale. This legal nuance presents both an opportunity for us and a boon for those seeking budget-friendly access.
  3. Quality Assurance: Unveiling the Real Deal:
    • Delving into the heart of the matter – quality. Acquiring the course directly from the sale page ensures that all documents and materials are identical to those obtained through conventional means. However, our differentiator lies in going beyond personal study; we take an extra step by reselling. It’s important to note that we are not the official course providers, meaning certain premium services aren’t included in our package:
      • No coaching calls or scheduled sessions with the author.
      • No access to the author’s private Facebook group or web portal.
      • No entry to the author’s exclusive membership forum.
      • No direct email support from the author or their team.

    We operate independently, aiming to bridge the affordability gap without the additional services offered by official course channels. Your understanding of our unique approach is greatly appreciated.

Refund is acceptable:

  • Firstly, item is not as explained
  • Secondly, Item do not work the way it should.
  • Thirdly, and most importantly, support extension can not be used.

Thank you for choosing us! We’re so happy that you feel comfortable enough with us to forward your business here.

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