Ben Adkins – Big Money Social Groups Advanced




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Ben Adkins – Big Money Social Groups Advanced

Who is the “Big Money Social Groups” Program for?

Dear Fellow Expert and Entrepreneur,

Over the last 8 years, I’ve been busy building a multi-million dollar business online by helping entrepreneurs, from all over the world, grow their bottom line by leveraging the internet.

One of the main reasons that I have been able to grow my business to this level lies in my ability to position myself as an expert in my field. Doing this has helped my potential customers see me as the only real solution to their problems. This has made my business “competition proof” and is the reason
that I have been able to grow my bottom line and profits year after year.

One of the ways that I’ve been able to grow my authority in any market that I go into is to alway position myself as the person who is “throwing the party”…

But what the heck does that even mean?

How to become a trusted Authority in your Niche by “Throwing the Party”…

The Strategy
I get paid every day to “Throw the Party” in my Niche every day.

What I mean is this…
Every single day, I bring together folks that are all interested in certain topic and give them a place to discuss that topic.

And let me tell you, doing this has made me a lot of money.

How and where do I “throw the party” every day?
It’s pretty simple… in Facebook Groups.

In just about every niche that I sell a product, I have a Facebook group that is specifically set up to be a place for my customers to come together and chat about all of the things that they deal with daily.

I created the place for them to come together on Facebook… and they come every single day to hang out and mingle with others like them in the group.

The beautiful part about it is this:
My Facebook groups are always just one of many Facebook groups that are aimed at these folks. Most of the people that belong to my “Niche Focused Facebook groups” also below to at least 4 other groups that are on that topic.

Why do they still come to mine to hang out?
They come because they are absolute nerds for the topic that my group is about and they love talking about the topics that my group is about. (they go to all of the groups daily as long as good conversations are going on).

How do I make money with these Niche Facebook Groups?
Whether its getting clients for my agency, signing up coaching clients, or selling Digital Programs, my groups all use the same “premise” to sell my stuff (and sell a lot of it).

The “Buyer Behavior” of my Customers.
✅ 5% of my customers buy my products the first time they learn about them.
✅ around 25% take a few weeks to make the decision to buy.
✅ around 50% take a 2-3 months to buy in.
✅ The remaining 20% take 6 months to jump in.

So how does a Niche Facebook group help me?
Each Facebook Group that I put together gives these folks a place to talk about the problem that my product solves… and it allows my product to constantly be discussed as a solution to solve that problem (without me having to bring it up most of the time).

In short… My Facebook groups make sure that my potential customers are in a state of “constant exposure” to my brand and my flagship products. (this is something that 99.9% of my competition hasn’t figured out yet and that’s why I’m always dominating the markets that I go after even when there is a lot of competition.)

You may be Asking Yourself…
How do you get potential customers into a Facebook group and how does that help you sell your products?

Let’s Dive in…

How to use Psychological Triggers to Make Money with Facebook Groups.
If you’re a coach, consultant, or Digital Agency owner… the odds are pretty high that you’ve already got a Service or Product that you want to sell people (that is going to make you between 1000-15,000 per client in the next year)

The Strategy:
I know that everyone who comes into my groups has 3 key things in common.

1️⃣ They know my name.
2️⃣ They have me positioned as an authority in their mind.
3️⃣ They know what my Flagship Product is.

I know all of the above things because of the special way that we attract people to our Niche FB Groups, and the special way that we bring them into the group. Most people can’t make a dime from their Facebook groups because they don’t do the special things that I do to establish the 3 things above.

With that in place…
Every day that a person spends time in my Facebook group, discussing the topics that naturally come up amongst group members, the more likely they are to purchase my Product/Service.

I want you to think about this:
How beneficial would it be to your business if you had a group that had one thousand, five thousand, or ten thousand of your ideal clients? (whether that be Chiropractors trying to grow their business, or people that love a certain breed of dogs)

In my case…
Almost every single day, I sell products, services, or coaching packages because of the Facebook groups that I’ve established and the special way that we run those groups.

It’s not about posting daily in groups…
What I do isn’t about posting a bunch of junk in your Facebook group every day/week. It’s about creating a highly focused place for discussion on a topic and strategically setting up the group a certain way.

More on that soon…
But how do you get potential customers to join your group?

How I consistently add 50-100 potential customers to my FB group daily.
I do 2 core things to add new prospects that are hungry for the kind of products and services.

1️⃣ I run a FB ad pointing to a Group Signup Page
This works because of the special way that I name my groups and the way that I structure that ad.

2️⃣ I run a FB ad to a simple “Lead Magnet”.
They get the lead magnet and then are offered free access to the niche group as a bonus.

Using those 2 things, I’m able to add 50-100 ideal prospects to my groups every single day. And once they get in the group… it’s game over… Because of the way the group is set up, I have a really strong chance of eventually getting them to sign up for my programs (to see why… look at the 3 things in part 1 above).

The Big Question…
Can your business level up by adding a Facebook group funnel as a premier way to get you get clients/customers?

And my answer is simple…
If you’re a coach, consultant, or Digital Agency Owner… absolutely YES.
Can a Facebook Group funnel work for your Business?
The Answer:
You can do this even if you’ve never run your own Facebook Group before.

You just need to know how to setup the group properly and how to drive traffic to it every single day (without breaking the bank). I want to show you exactly how I do that (and how you can too) inside of this very special training that I call “Big Money from Social Groups”.

Let’s go through what you’ll learn inside. ⬇️

What I’ll be Covering Inside of the “Big Money from Social Groups”

Part 1:
The 3 Psychological Switches you need to Flip when 
using Facebook Groups to Sell your Product.
Anyone can build a Facebook group. A very small group of people on the planet know how to build a Social Group that actually drive sales for their creators. Inside of this section I’ll walk you through the core psychological elements that you must use for your group to be a Selling Machine.

Part 2:
How to Setup the Perfect Facebook Group for Selling.
I’ll show you the exact settings, software tools, and systems that you need to use to setup and run your group. Inside of this section you’ll learn the exact things that make my group work and position my brand as the authority in the niche. (you’ll also start to see exactly why my groups are so darned effective in selling my products/services… no matter the niche).

Part 3:
How to Setup the Perfect Group Funnel.
I’ll walk you through the powerful funnels that I use to get people inside of my group and how I sell my flagship product and services daily. Inside of this section you’ll learn exactly how to make your group an important part of how your turn cold prospects… into raving fans… and then into paying customers.

Part 4:
How to add 50-100 New Group Members a 
Day using 2 Simple FB Ads.
I’ll walk you through the exact Facebook ads and funnel setup that I use to get tons of new potential customers each and every day. This will be a game changer for the way you get new customers. (This is my secret to getting new customers without ever having to meet them face to face or talk to them on the phone before they’re ready to buy.)

Part 5:
How to Manage a Thriving Niche Group in
as little as 20 minutes a day.
A lot of people think that you have to spend your entire day inside of a Facebook group in order for it to be profitable to your business. That’s a total misunderstanding of how this is all supposed to work. Your group should be something that brings your customers together. It shouldn’t be something that takes up a ton of your time. In this section you’ll learn how to make your group “go” in just a few minutes a day.

Throughout parts 1-5, I’ll be walking you and your staff through exactly how to create and run a Facebook Group that powers your Company’s Sales (and how to get it all going in the next 12 days).

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. Innovative Business Model:
    • Embrace the reality of a genuine business! Our approach involves forming a group buy, where we collectively share the costs among members. Using these funds, we purchase sought-after courses from sale pages and make them accessible to individuals facing financial constraints. Despite potential reservations from the authors, our customers appreciate the affordability and accessibility we provide.
  2. The Legal Landscape: Yes and No:
    • The legality of our operations falls into a gray area. While we lack explicit approval from the course authors for resale, there’s a technicality at play. When procuring the course, the author didn’t specify any restrictions on resale. This legal nuance presents both an opportunity for us and a boon for those seeking budget-friendly access.
  3. Quality Assurance: Unveiling the Real Deal:
    • Delving into the heart of the matter – quality. Acquiring the course directly from the sale page ensures that all documents and materials are identical to those obtained through conventional means. However, our differentiator lies in going beyond personal study; we take an extra step by reselling. It’s important to note that we are not the official course providers, meaning certain premium services aren’t included in our package:
      • No coaching calls or scheduled sessions with the author.
      • No access to the author’s private Facebook group or web portal.
      • No entry to the author’s exclusive membership forum.
      • No direct email support from the author or their team.

    We operate independently, aiming to bridge the affordability gap without the additional services offered by official course channels. Your understanding of our unique approach is greatly appreciated.

Refund is acceptable:

  • Firstly, item is not as explained
  • Secondly, Item do not work the way it should.
  • Thirdly, and most importantly, support extension can not be used.

Thank you for choosing us! We’re so happy that you feel comfortable enough with us to forward your business here.

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